Page 1 of far cry (deal of the day at Game)

Bargain Buckets Forum

far cry (deal of the day at Game)

fargo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 16th December 2005, 21:54

Went for this,seems a good deal for a fiver? 2 hours left

RE: far cry (deal of the day at Game)

cirdan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 16th December 2005, 22:36

fantastic price.

i got one from game about 2months ago when they had a game of the week type thing, it was £9 then, which is still a great price for it.

its a very good game and its very detailed. well worth it

RE: far cry (deal of the day at Game)

phatbhoy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th December 2005, 22:59

Brilliant game - great price

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