Page 1 of VHS Tapes (remember them?) 50p E180

Bargain Buckets Forum

VHS Tapes (remember them?) 50p E180

The G Man (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 09:53

For those among us who still use the antiquated medium of VHS recording and need some blank VHS for christmas , Argos have 5 packs of Maxell E180s for £4.99 , buy one get one free till 24th December.

RE: VHS Tapes (remember them?) 50p E180

Skittles (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 12:25

If you unravel them they mak very good and extemely strong parcel wrapping string :D

RE: VHS Tapes (remember them?) 50p E180

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 13:20

Or you may have a table or chair with one leg shorter than the others, one of these placed under said leg could be just the job! :)

My DVD`s

RE: VHS Tapes (remember them?) 50p E180

TinnionA (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 13:44

Not all of us can afford DVD recorders you know.

RE: VHS Tapes (remember them?) 50p E180

Skittles (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 16:10

Yeah Yeah ,that sob story dont work now they cost under £20 !! :p :D

Turn the pooter off for a month and the saved electric cost would buy one now ;)

Oi !! Just a thought ,but what the nell you doing on a site called `DVD reviewer ` without a DVD player ?????/ :o I should have you turfed out!! DOORMAN!!!!!! :o :D

RE: VHS Tapes (remember them?) 50p E180

The G Man (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 16:30

Hey , don`t be too harsh.
Tinnion said
Not all of us can afford DVD recorders you know
- not players.
If you can get a DVD recorder for 20 quid , that will qualify for the bargain of 2004.
Personally , I do have a DVD recorder (got one of the £50 refurbs from Sainsbury`s) but I still use VHS , mainly because I have kids who want stuff recorded all the time and I can`t be arsed to use the DVD for stuff like Popworld and TOTP Saturday :o
Plus when it comes to Christmas and kids / wife (and sometimes even me) want three different things recorded at the same time , I need all the resources I can get.

RE: VHS Tapes (remember them?) 50p E180

PaulSibson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 16:30

Skittles. Now READ TinnionA`s post. Go on. It`s only 10 words. One of which you seem NOT to have read.

RE: VHS Tapes (remember them?) 50p E180

HD462 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 16:34

You can`t record with a DVD player, and where can you get a DVD RE-corder for £20?

The VCR isn`t dead and buried yet, no matter how much Dixons / Currys would like it to be. :)

ps: I think you pay too much for your electricity if not using your PC for a month would buy you a DVD Recorder. ;)

Mark. :)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 16:36

RE: VHS Tapes (remember them?) 50p E180

Skittles (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 16:52

I was Multi tasking :p Cooking tea at same time sooooooooooo :p

Big deal so they are under £80 so you have to go a few more months without a pooter :D

RE: VHS Tapes (remember them?) 50p E180

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 17:53

I was Multi tasking Cooking tea at same time sooooooooooo

it`s actually a proven fact that women can do more than one thing at once :)

BUT, a man can do one thing at a time,,,,,,PROPERLY ;)

i`ll just go get some cover :D

general nobody @ and now for all things X-BOX

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