Page 1 of Cheapest Scream Box Set...Anyone?

Bargain Buckets Forum

Cheapest Scream Box Set...Anyone?

James Clews (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 28th March 2001, 18:54

Seems as the peeps on here are better than me to find bargains, does anybody know where I could buy the cheapest Scream box set?

Also, are the DVD`s any good?


RE: Cheapest Scream Box Set...Anyone?

Carsonlad (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 28th March 2001, 19:27

I ordered my Region 1 copy on the 6th of March from DVDboxoffice and it cost me £45.40. I only ordered R1 because it has the extra disc in the set. I`m regretting it now, no word on the location of my package. Either some sweaty buggar at customs has it or its lost! Meaning I will have to wait another 4.5 weeks before they post me another!!

BLOODY HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Cheapest Scream Box Set...Anyone?

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th March 2001, 22:08

If u got sky digital or u know someone who has it go to open shopping where bol are doing it for £29.99 plus £1.95 p+p i ordered friends eps 1-8 for 11.99 each plus p+p 1.95 on thursday last week but still aint got them yet though. its secure but you have to go online at local rate to send your order
REgion 1 4 disc is at for £55
carsonlad unlucky mate i suspect customs have your packet and you`ll get charged about 21% on it plus £1.20 handling charge.
Shoulda got it from play who have the 4 disc for 52 and would have worked out cheaper and also you would have gotten it quicker

This item was edited on Wednesday, 28th March 2001, 22:16

RE: Cheapest Scream Box Set...Anyone?

Wayne Roberts (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 28th March 2001, 22:30

Got my Friends DVD`s through, as well as my MOTO GP for my PS2, and an X-Men at only £11.99, missed out on the SCREAM BOX SET, as the girlfriend wanted to watch a film, so I though I`d order it on Monday, but new chart/new bargains !!

The Scream Box Set has gone back up in price. My local shop is selling it for £45 NEW, but unsure if they do Mail Order, but believe Woolworths are also doing it for £45 (try their website, as they are giving away FREE Personal Stereos for orders over £30 (maybe £50))....

RE: Cheapest Scream Box Set...Anyone?

Rich Goodman (Admin) posted this on Wednesday, 28th March 2001, 22:51

I`m getting predictable here, but region 4 is good value again :-

Works out at just over £35 including shipping


RE: Cheapest Scream Box Set...Anyone?

Carsonlad (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 28th March 2001, 23:04

Trouble is with Region 4 is that Scream 1 is in 4:3 ratio and not widescreen.

Hope Customs surrender my package soon, I bet there using it is a bread board!!!

I ordered the Friends DVDs on Open aswell Dicanio last thurs. Still haven`t received mine either, despite them debiting my account last Friday!!! Let me know when yours get delivered!

RE: Cheapest Scream Box Set...Anyone?

Carsonlad (Competent) posted this on Friday, 30th March 2001, 19:12

Yeehah!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally received my Scream Boxset yesterday.

They marked it as gift, sent it via belgium and put the value on the package at about £14.50. Top Marks!!!! Despite the delay.

My friends DVDs still haven`t arrived yet! I`ll be phoning up soon.

RE: Cheapest Scream Box Set...Anyone?

Squeeze (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 30th March 2001, 20:03

If you can`t get it from BOL, MVC have it for £42.99 - the cheapest I`ve seen from a store. Can`t give a verdict on the disks though James; it`s alittle out of my price range at the moment.

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