Page 1 of Cheapest IRiver ihp 120 (20 gig) ?

Bargain Buckets Forum

Cheapest IRiver ihp 120 (20 gig) ?

scoobydoobydoo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 21st June 2004, 15:43

Found this on :
iriver ihp 120 = £200.99

Anbody found it cheaper ?

There going for £250 = on Ebay !!!!!

RE: Cheapest IRiver ihp 120 (20 gig) ?

dakwah (Competent) posted this on Monday, 21st June 2004, 18:06

isn`t it out of stock?

RE: Cheapest IRiver ihp 120 (20 gig) ?

scoobydoobydoo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd June 2004, 07:47

It is, but they have said they will have stock in the next few days. 40 gb ihp seems a good deal as well ?
Ordered the ihp 20 gb. From what I have read on other posts, this company appears reputable. will wait and see ...........

RE: Cheapest IRiver ihp 120 (20 gig) ?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd June 2004, 15:46

Let us know what you think of it - PCPro gave them a rave review this month. If you have experience of the iPod, all the better!

RE: Cheapest IRiver ihp 120 (20 gig) ?

dakwah (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd June 2004, 05:00

this month`s computer shopper also raves about it. look on some sites such as amazon and where you get some opinions of both from customers.

most agree that the ipod is dinkier and better looking but the iriver has a radio, an LCD remote, better battery, can play WMA and sounds good. Am thinking of one myself.

RE: Cheapest IRiver ihp 120 (20 gig) ?

RJD (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 24th June 2004, 13:28

I have one of these and it`s absolutely brilliant. Had no problems whatsoever with it. Work in an office where 3 colleagues have i-pods and they always seem to have battery problems, or i-tunes issues.

Best thing is that you can control the whole unit from the LCD remote control, so you never have to take it out of your bag/pocket. I travel 2 hours to and from work each day, and only need to charge it once or twice a week. Sound quality is excellent as well. It may not be as pretty as the i-pod but if you want it for the music then its definately worth getting.

Bought mine for £275 a few months ago so £200 seems a bargain.

RE: Cheapest IRiver ihp 120 (20 gig) ?

dakwah (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 24th June 2004, 17:13

let us know when you receive it as unbeatable seem to have a lot of stuff awaiting arrival


RE: Cheapest IRiver ihp 120 (20 gig) ?

scoobydoobydoo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 28th June 2004, 19:48

:) The goods were delivered this morning .... Haven`t figured it all out yet, but looks pretty impressive. Zapped a few songs from my laptop onto it and the sound is terrific ! (Mind you, I have been listening to a Matsui walkman for the past ten years !!!!)

Cons : - Can`t zap your music straight from Windows Media Player (ie Playlists etc ).
- The instructions for recording music straight from your Hi Fi are non existant.
( I have a TEAC Hi Fi which doesnt seem to have any sockets which will support the cable that you get with the iriver.)

Pros : - remote control is very handy with most functions on it
- Sound quality excellent
- easy navigation

Not had much of a play with it as only had it a few hours, but I`m sure these "Cons" can be ironed out with the help of iriver firmwear and a better line in/out cable for Hi Fi.

RE: Cheapest IRiver ihp 120 (20 gig) ?

legoland (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 30th June 2004, 12:48

I`m thinking of getting one myself. All my music is stored on a Mac - is this a problem as I have no other way of downloading my music?


RE: Cheapest IRiver ihp 120 (20 gig) ?

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th June 2004, 17:59

I stand firmly by by iPod with the iTrip, my in-car jukebox :D

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