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Cheapest price for Harry potter PoA PS2 game?

sharonB (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 28th May 2004, 15:10

I need help ...where is the cheapest you have seen the new Harry potter game `Prisoner of Azkaban` for the playstation 2 or gamecube? I know its not out until 31st but wondered if anywhere had it on pre-order cheap

many thanks

RE: Cheapest price for Harry potter PoA PS2 game?

pointsofview (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th May 2004, 15:36

The cheapest that I found was Amazon at £29.99.

It`s only a point of view...

RE: Cheapest price for Harry potter PoA PS2 game?

Sandy Matthews (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th May 2004, 15:53

It`s £32.99 from Game, but if you order it, you can get an EyeToy camera for a tenner along with it.


RE: Cheapest price for Harry potter PoA PS2 game?

sharonB (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 29th May 2004, 00:41

oooh thanks you two

RE: Cheapest price for Harry potter PoA PS2 game?

pointsofview (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 29th May 2004, 15:40

sharonB, this is what someone at another forum has done. "...Just done this, bought 4 of the cheapest pre-owned games in Gamestation (came to £18) then popped into game and picked up the new harry potter game for 99p..."

Game are running an offer wherby if you trade in four PS2/Xbox/GC games then you can buy a top title for only 99p... See their site.

edit:- offer is only running for the Bank Holiday weekend so it won`t seem to apply to The Prisoner of Az... in that case.

It`s only a point of view...

This item was edited on Saturday, 29th May 2004, 16:50

RE: Cheapest price for Harry potter PoA PS2 game?

The G Man (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 29th May 2004, 17:56

"...Just done this, bought 4 of the cheapest pre-owned games in Gamestation (came to £1 then popped into game and picked up the new harry potter game for 99p..."

Full terms and conditions on this offer here.
Sounds like a good idea if you can make it work - not convinced that you could get 4 pre-owned (with packaging which is needed) for £1 - but anyway potential for a bargain here.
According to the website and the advert in the papers , the offer in Game runs from Friday May 28th `for a limited period only` , so it could stretch beyond the Bank Holiday and cover the new Harry Potter game (it applies to any game priced £39.99 or less).

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