Page 1 of Finding Nemo R2...

Bargain Buckets Forum

Finding Nemo R2...

chewie (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th February 2004, 18:05

Went into Safeway today and got Finding Nemo and Toy Story on DVD for £19.98.

Finding Nemo is £13.99 on it`s own, but you can get Toy Story for £5.99 when you buy Nemo.

Thought this was a good deal.

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Finding Nemo R2...

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 27th February 2004, 20:27


:/ bit p****d off about this...bought the R1 version of Nemo before Christmas
and want TS (already got TS2), but TS costs £20 on it`s own :(

is Nemo R2 any different to R1? (i.e. extra stuff etc?)


RE: Finding Nemo R2...

gajones (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 27th February 2004, 20:45

think the only difference between r2 and r1 is that r2 has a DTS soundtrack - also i heard about some problem with a halo effect on the r1 version which by all accounts the r2 does not have

tempted to buy it but i think i can resist for the moment



RE: Finding Nemo R2...

batman182 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 27th February 2004, 21:25

Toy story is only £5.99 at splash, you dont have to get Nemo

RE: Finding Nemo R2...

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 27th February 2004, 23:29

Toy story is only £5.99 at splash, you dont have to get Nemo

thankyou :)


RE: Finding Nemo R2...

chewie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 28th February 2004, 11:56

I`ve heard Asda are selling Toy Story for £5.99 instore without having to buy Nemo as well. Can`t confirm it though.

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Finding Nemo R2...

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 28th February 2004, 18:58

I was in Asda today..(about half an hour ago to be exact :p ) and there were no copies of Toy Story to be seen - cheap or otherwise - ...lots of Nemo though...

so I went to Safeway and got Nemo and Toy Story for £19.98... I asked at the counter and was told that you can buy Toy Story for £5.99 on its own without buying Nemo....great to replace my old VHS copy for six quid, (and without waiting for Splash to deliver it :p)

"Twenty-eight days, six hours, forty-two minutes, twelve seconds.
That is when the world.. will end."

My DVD Collection

This item was edited on Saturday, 28th February 2004, 19:02

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