Page 1 of Jungle took the MONEY!

Bargain Buckets Forum

Jungle took the MONEY!

bear (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 26th November 2002, 23:50

Orderd the Philips CDR-RW on Saturday got e-mails excepting order .then some to cancel it on Monday Morning, went down the Bank on Tuesday to deposit some cash and asked for a statement on my credit card and the bastards have took the money for the order on the same day as they cancelled it with the bloody e-mails that arrived on Monday 25/11/02....Bastards

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th November 2002, 01:54

RE: Jungle took the MONEY!

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th November 2002, 01:36

Ask them why they charged for an item they knew they couldnt supply.
Ask them whether it is proper practice to take money for goods they dont/wont have
Ask them that when they have taken the money, isnt the trade complete? A contract should have been formed once the money goes out of your account.

RE: Jungle took the MONEY!

cw2k (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 27th November 2002, 01:57

Are you sure it wasn`t a funds reservation as some CC companies do that when a funds check is made on a card. It`s not actually taking money it`s just confirming that the credit is available, As no money is actually taken no supply of goods contract is formed (this type of transaction won`t appear on a monthly statement)

If the transaction does appear on your monthly statement then Jungle formed a supply of goods contract with you and they have to supply you with the cd-rw drive or a better model if the cheap one is no longer available.

RE: Jungle took the MONEY!

bear (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th November 2002, 01:58

I will await there reply ( the money has gone from the account ) also a lot of people orderd and where excepted/cancelled as well, have they took their money has well ?..lets sue them!

Better sue clayts as well ( before you give him sympathy remember he supports Nottingham Forest )


This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th November 2002, 02:02

RE: Jungle took the MONEY!

kywy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th November 2002, 08:15

Is that sue as in " a boy named sue " ?
It would explain a lot ! ;-))

RE: Jungle took the MONEY!

HD462 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th November 2002, 09:55

I had this problem with Jungle earlier in the year. I ordered a Smartmedia card from them when they were at a special price. I waited ages, then they emailed to say they were cancelling as they couldnt get stock. The web site was still showing them as available even then.

So I found one elsewhere, even cheaper as it happened, then a week or so later the one arrived from Jungle too. I contacted them and got the runaround for ages trying to get them to collect it and refund the money they had no right to take.

In the end I got it touch with ComputerActive magazines` consumer column. They took up the challenge and it was sorted within a day....the courier even arrived within 4 hours to pick it up :-)

Give em the threat of bad publicity and they soon seem to get things moving. I`ll never buy from them again.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th November 2002, 10:00

RE: Jungle took the MONEY!

Johnny Utah (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th November 2002, 10:19

We should all contact BBC Watchdog as well to put them to shame.

RE: Jungle took the MONEY!

bear (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th November 2002, 11:12

Yes but when can we hang clayts ?

RE: Jungle took the MONEY!

Goober (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 27th November 2002, 12:59

The latest in the saga - i think everyone should give them as much crap as poss. This is the response i got to my complaint:

Thank you for your email of 26/11/02.

Please accept my sincere apologies for the problems that you have
experienced with

I would like to assure you that we are dedicated to customer service and
apologise that it has not been achieved on this occasion.

Unfortunately Jungle is current consolidating their suppliers and
consequently we have had to cancel numerous product lines. I am
therefore sorry to say that the entire range of CDRW`s has been deleted
as we can no longer supply these products and the product lines are
therefore obsolete.

Whilst fully accepting your disappointment with this matter please be
assured that this action was unavoidable. I would however draw your
attention to our terms and conditions which state All products are
supplied subject to availability. In the event that we are unable to
supply any product, we will inform you of this as soon as possible.

We have fulfilled our obligation with regards to the above and deeply
regret the upset this has caused.

I can confirm that no monies have been taken from this account, and
again wish to offer you my apologies for the confusion and inconvenience
that this issue has caused.

I am also afraid that I have to advise that will not be
offering any form of compensation.

If you want to speak to me further about this, then please don`t
hesisitate to contact me.


Mark Hoy
Customer Care Team Limited

RE: Jungle took the MONEY!

annmarie (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 27th November 2002, 15:13

It`ll be interesting to see if I get the same reply from them.

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