Info and forum posts by 'awol'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 5th July 2001, 18:57, Last used: Thursday, 5th July 2001, 18:57

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 34 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Sony Notebook Laptop for £76 Quid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gone for one also.
Let`s see if they are as good as Kodak

RE: Is it ILLegal to sell Region 1 DVD in the U.K

it is illegal for a shop to hold stock of a r1 dvd and then sell it on to the consumer. but a shop can import a r1 dvd on order and then make a profit by selling it on to the customer. Basically they just act as an import company.


However as far as i understand it if the customer who got the shop to import the disc for them does not pay for or collect the disc then the shop can sell the disc on as they would a r2 disc

This item was edited on Sunday, 28th April 2002, 01:27

RE: The Most Embarrasing DVD in Your Collection??

Has to be "The baby snatcher" it was free if you sent off for it out of the Express. So i bought it to bump up my total. I havent watched it yet though. Honestly


RE: Kevin Smith Jersey Trilogy £30

if worried about customs you can buy the three individually from ezy for the same price
clerks £11
Chasing amy £11
Mallrats £7
£29 for the three, dont know how extras compare though

RE: Amazon Gift Certificates

how much do you get off with these vouchers

RE: Silence/Hannibal

The box set was limited edition, they only made 2000 of them and were exclusive to ezy. region 1 is slightly better anyway try for them somewhere else.


RE: Buffy Season 1 (R1) $30?

absound have it for £16.99 however postage is about a fiver

absound sale

absound have many items in their sale stock. This is probably old news know but i have seen nothreads for it so i thought id let you know anyway.
among the bargains are
Predator £7
Memento £10
Castaway £8
Buffy season 1 £16

Bargains in my mind

RE: Forrest Gump is available right now for £8.99 (2 disc). Buy it quick!!!

Is it just me or can anybody else not find it. The direct link still says £22
any advise?


RE: forrest gump`s back

any chance of a direct address i cant find it on the website


RE: Godfather DVD Boxset £39.99 - hurry ! Offer Ends soon!

i have the trilogy on vid is there much point buying it on dvd, isit really that much better?

RE: Go back to your childhood for only £4.99

It is still on sometimes in the afternoon. That programme is a stroke of genius


RE: WH Smith Sale

To be Honest i dont reckon much to that sale at all i have seen most of those titles elsewhere for the same price or cheaper

No offence Sconebum

This item was edited on Thursday, 10th January 2002, 23:22

RE: what other dvd forums are there on the net

Says the sites moderator
also the dvdforums are accepting no new registrations at the moment

SOTL/ Hannibal Limited edition 4 disc box set £30

Ezydvd are selling a silence of the lambs/ hannibal box set for £30
They have "2000" 4 disc boxsets which are exclusive to ezydvd. Same extras as region 2 release and in limited edition box set. Seems to me like a bargain at that price.
Ive ordered mine!!


p.s Its released two weeks earlier than in england. It just keeps getting better!!

This item was edited on Monday, 30th July 2001, 20:44

RE: another eagles question

The same song is on "THE BIG LEBOWSKI" (v.good film).
Its also on the soundtrack so u could get it that way!


RE: 40 DVD`s at £9.99

All prices have now gone up to £9.99 still good deals though!!!


This item was edited on Tuesday, 31st July 2001, 23:42

Will rce discs play on a Phillips 710 player

Will RCE discs play on a multi region Phillips 710 dvd player.

Theres just so many discs that i want but are put off buying because they are RCE. Is my player compatible???

Please help!!
Thanks in advance

RE: 40 DVD`s at £9.49

Just ordered lock stock the series but was out of stock will they honour the price when they get more in stock

great price though

Favourite extra features

Just wondering what everyones favourite extra features on a dvd were.

RE:movies you like which no-one else does...

Wild Things.
My mates dont like it but i think its great

Bargains at Blockbuster

Blockbusters are slling many Dvd`s for around a tenner new. The perfect storm and Billy Elliot are just two of the titles. They have also got alot of ex-rentals for around 8-10 quid. Worth a look

Seen in Sheffield store


This item was edited on Saturday, 14th July 2001, 23:50

RE: Region 2 Easter Eggs

DVD monthly magazine sometimes publish R2 easter eggs but not always. They had a special a couple of months ago with eggs for around 20 dvds. You could always order a back copy. Its the silver one with Star Trek on the front.


RE: Buffy cheapest anyone please!

Hi Ickle Yoda try
It works out at around £56 inc p+p. Dont be worried by the au price just use the currency converter on the international price. DONT FORGET that it is not region 2 though.

hope i was some help

RE: Last posting dates confusing!!!!!

I third it you should definately include first and last postings although it may be confusing at the start people wud soon get used to it


RE: The greatest movie cliches ever

Why is it that in films a guns magazine never runs out of ammo. In reality everyone would be reloading every couple of minutes.

Also how come in action movies a group of terrorists can fire hundreds of rounds at one person and miss every time but the hero/heroine who may never have shot a gun before in their life takes someone out everytime.

Finnaly how come in films everything that is shot blows up. I mean come on if you shot a switched off computer moniter would it explode and set fire to everything in that room.

What do you guys think awol

RE: 3 for 2 at Blockbuster

Your right not earth shattering deals. It really annoys me when stores only put titles nobody really wants in the sale. Do companies think that just because they are slightly cheaper people are immediately going to buy bad films .


RE: What is the best place to get these DVDs ?

Not such a great site Buffy Season 2 box set £71.95. Thats a whole £15 more than Ezydvd.

You need to do some looking around m8
