Info and forum posts by 'bibmcfeck'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 4th July 2001, 15:32, Last used: Thursday, 13th May 2010, 02:20

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 28 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Macrovision hack for Phillips DVP 520?

Looks like there isn`t one then eh?

Doesn`t anyone know?

Macrovision hack for Phillips DVP 520?

As per title.

I`m looking for a hack to disable Macrovision on this player. I don`t know if one exists or not.

Bought the player yesterday and so far very pleased with it. Only problem has been Macrovision related distortion at the very top of the screen on R1 discs.

I`d love to get rid of it if possible.

Any help appreciated. Cheers.

RE: Maxim MX 11-21 at Tesco? Opinions please?

Nobody heard anything about this machine?

Maxim MX 11-21 at Tesco? Opinions please?

Is this machine any good?

It says it has Prog scan but I take it this is PAL prog scan which needs a compatible TV does it not?

I`ve heard the Maxim machines before this have had lip sync problems. Does anyone have this machine and can comment?

This item was edited on Monday, 16th February 2004, 19:08

Deal Direct - Avoid!!!!

After waiting over a month to receive my Hyundai 320A I am finally decided on sending it back.

The main problem I have with it is that it outputs a green screen playing NTSC through the RGB scart. And that it doesn`t automatically select RGB on my Panasonic 28" TV.

I e-mailed the customer support line to ask for a refund. I was told to phone their Technical Support line which I did a few minutes ago.

I spoke to a very patronising, rude gentleman who tried to tell me that a green screen when outputting NTSC through RGB was normal! I told him that my last 2 players both played NTSC no problems but he wouldn`t listen. He told me to set it to PAL as "TVs in America have NTSC, TVs in Britain have PAL. I suggest you go on the internet and learn a little about it" Those were his exact words...

I then said that pretty much every new TV made in the UK had support for NTSC. He ignored this and spluttered the same thing about setting it to PAL.

At this point I informed him that if I received no help from him I had been told I could get a full refund, and that this is what I will now do.

End of call!!!

These guys are cowboys. I`ll be glad to be shot of the player and go back to my 2 year old Minato G1 which plays anything I throw at it, PAL or NTSC, without a complaint.

As I said in the title.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th May 2003, 17:08

RE: Hyundai - Green NTSC RGB output? Am I missing something simple?

Well I just got a loan of my Dad`s 320A and it`s exactly the same. NTSC + RGB = Green screen. He rarely watches anything other than R2 or VCDs so he won`t be too bothered but either mine will be going back or I`ll flog it.

So if you`re tempted by the Direct Deal Hyundai offer but want to watch your R1 NTSC discs in RGB *DON`T BOTHER!* You`ll only be disppointed!

As soon as Jeremy Beadle has finished sucking the other blokes left nut, he can have a go at my right one :-(

RE: Hyundai - Green NTSC RGB output? Am I missing something simple?

I`ve tried doing it both ways (leaving it to Auto switch and manually switching to NTSC) and it still shows a green picture through RGB scart.

On this evidence, it`s going back :-/

RE: Hyundai - Green NTSC RGB output? Am I missing something simple?

Well I`ve spent a bit of time with the machine and I am VERY unimpressed.

It outputs green NTSC RGB on my 32" Hitachi, I`ve tried it on my new 28" Panasonic and it refuses to output ANY RGB signal :^( And unlike the Hitachi TV the Panasonic doesn`t seem to have any way of manually selecting RGB, which means my third party Gamecube scart will probably only output composite quality, I haven`t tried it yet though.

My old Samsung 807 which I bought in 1999 automatically outputs RGB on my Panasonic TV. It even says so in the corner of the screen. It says "AV1/RGB" whereas with the Hyundai it just says "AV1" and clearly isn`t an RGB quality picture.

It just isn`t doing what I want it to do. On this evidence I can see me keeping my Minato G1 which was in the living room and which I`ve had practically no problems with. I take it Deals Direct won`t take the Hyundai back unless there is something "wrong" with it?

Maybe I`m not giving it a chance but really shouldn`t any DVD player worth its salt output RGB automatically if selected AND not turn the picture green with NTSC RGB?

I`m not a happy camper...

This item was edited on Sunday, 4th May 2003, 21:17

Hyundai - Green NTSC RGB output? Am I missing something simple?

I got the Hyundai from Deals Direct the other day. All was going swimmingly until I tried an R1 DVD after doing the multi-region hack.

I popped in my R1 of Donnie Darko and changed the video output setting to NTSC. However when I did this the screen turned a putrid shade of green.

This happens on the players startup screen, the movie menus and the film itself.

I always switched to NTSC on my old Minato G1 for R1 discs and never had a problem.

Please help! Am I missing something simple? I haven`t had much time to try to solve it as I`ve been night shift :-(

It`s only when I switch to RGB output that it does this, and only with the NTSC setting. My PAL discs play perfectly.

Any ideas? Anyone experienced this themselves with the Hyundai?

This item was edited on Saturday, 3rd May 2003, 17:48

RE: You can suck my left nut, Jeremy Beadle!! (from Direct Deal)

Well I finally got mine on Wednesday after a very nice e-mail on Monday.

All was going well until I tried my R1 Donnie Darko with the video setting set to NTSC. On switching to my RGB Scart channel I found that the RGB picture was a rather putrid shade of green :-(

I doesn`t happen with the AV1 channel (which has the composite type fuzz) only the RGB.

My last player, a Minato G1, played NTSC RGB no problems.

Anyone else found this with the Hyundai?

Or am I missing something simple?

RE: You can suck my left nut, Jeremy Beadle!! (from Direct Deal)

Well I just phoned the number but it wasn`t engaged, it just rang and rang with no reply.

I sent an e-mail too but no joy so far :-(

The original page for the Hyundai seems to be back up though, so it must still be available.

Here it is

This item was edited on Tuesday, 22nd April 2003, 16:21

RE: You can suck my left nut, Jeremy Beadle!! (from Direct Deal)

I`ve just sent them an E-mail but to be honest I`m losing hope of ever getting my player :-(

RE: You can suck my left nut, Jeremy Beadle!! (from Direct Deal)

I`m seriously concerned that my order has been "conveniently" forgotten :-/

RE: You can suck my left nut, Jeremy Beadle!! (from Direct Deal)

The link in another thread for the Hyundai deal seems to be down :-(

The link for the other machine still works.

Is this a bad sign?

RE: You can suck my left nut, Jeremy Beadle!! (from Direct Deal)

I ordered mine through the website over 3 weeks ago and never got a confirmation e-mail. I`ve waited and waited but I checked my credit card yesterday and they haven`t even charged it yet :-(

My Dad ordered one by phone about a month ago and got it within 5 days :-(

I`m going to start chasing things up now as I`m beginning to doubt that they even got my order.

I can`t remember the name of the website now either...Damn.

I`ll need to hunt around again...

RE: CDR on Pacific 750?

So will that include VCD copies, do you think?

CDR on Pacific 750?

Does this machine play CDR?

RE: Pacific 750

Does the 750 play CD-R, VCD? Like the VCDs you can d/l on the net?

RE: Pacific 750 and 1000

Does the 750 play VCD-Rs? You know the kind I mean;)

Also will it play CD-RWs?


RE: Any laserDisc collectors here?

Does anyone else suffer from "sparkles" on their Laserdiscs? I have had two machines now and both have produced good pictures but some discs seem to have a lot of these "sparkles" through both sides. My Pal LD of The Thing is particularly sparkly, as is the first ten mins of Pal Empire Strikes Back and my NTSC Blood Red Evil Dead 2. Anyone know how to eliminate these? The two Pal discs were brand new but still had these? I`ve never heard anyone else with these complaints. Any ideas people? Both players were Pioneers.


Minato G1: Sound on Chinese VCDs?

I recently got this machine because of it`s ability to play CDR VCDs. I previously had a Samsung 809 thats only downfall was its inability to do so.

However I have a few original Chinese VCDs (Jackie Chan, Chow Yun Fat etc). These are subtitled with the original language in one stereo channel and I think Mandarin in the other. With the Sammy I could choose which language to listen to while watching by switching the channel from stereo to either left or right.

The problem I have with the Minato, which otherwise i am well pleased with, is that I cannot find such an option in the menus. Therefore I have to listen to the two languages at the same time! This basically makes the movies intolerable as it is very annoying!

Anyone have any idea what I could do to stop this from happening?

RE: Minato??

It does play CDR VCDs.