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Hardware Forum

You can suck my left nut, Jeremy Beadle!! (from Direct Deal)

JohnnyDangerous (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 3rd April 2003, 19:26

They charged me 88.77 pounds instead 56.00 pounds! Overcharged me by 32.77 pounds!

Damn hard to contact them!

F[at]kc you, Jeremy Beadle!

RE: You can suck my left nut, Jeremy Beadle!! (from Direct Deal)

julianf (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 3rd April 2003, 19:32

have you received the dvd player?

RE: You can suck my left nut, Jeremy Beadle!! (from Direct Deal)

aja007 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 3rd April 2003, 20:24

You mean you trusted Jeremy Beadle???

RE: You can suck my left nut, Jeremy Beadle!! (from Direct Deal)

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 3rd April 2003, 20:29

What`s bigger on one hand than the other?

Jeremy`s cock!


RE: You can suck my left nut, Jeremy Beadle!! (from Direct Deal)

JohnnyDangerous (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 3rd April 2003, 20:47

"have you received the dvd player?"

Yes. I did.

RE: You can suck my left nut, Jeremy Beadle!! (from Direct Deal)

mickymcd2 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 3rd April 2003, 20:47

sounds like youve opted for the extendedx warranty and more off there s*** dvds
ive orderd 3 of the hyundais over the phone now each 1 costing £56 inc p&p its the sales dept they try and include more xtras when your on the phone give em hell

RE: You can suck my left nut, Jeremy Beadle!! (from Direct Deal)

julianf (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th April 2003, 21:42

Has anyone got the phone number for these guys - I`m trying to chase my order up and have had no reply from my email enquiry...

many thanks

RE: You can suck my left nut, Jeremy Beadle!! (from Direct Deal)

mickymcd2 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th April 2003, 22:56

0800 138 8742

RE: You can suck my left nut, Jeremy Beadle!! (from Direct Deal)

nnic (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 6th April 2003, 22:57

So other people have been having the same problem. I ordered about 3 weeks ago and have had no confimation, dispite sending emails and leaving messages on their answerphone.

Anyway, their phone number, if you want to try is 0800 138 9748

Good luck

RE: You can suck my left nut, Jeremy Beadle!! (from Direct Deal)

julianf (Elite) posted this on Monday, 7th April 2003, 10:11

Thanks for the numbers guys - if you`ve ordered via the website you`ll need to call 01708 528 272 to check your order status - I`ll let you know how I get on when I get through...


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