Page 1 of Deal Direct - Avoid!!!!

Retailer Reviews Forum

Deal Direct - Avoid!!!!

bibmcfeck (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 13th May 2003, 14:36

After waiting over a month to receive my Hyundai 320A I am finally decided on sending it back.

The main problem I have with it is that it outputs a green screen playing NTSC through the RGB scart. And that it doesn`t automatically select RGB on my Panasonic 28" TV.

I e-mailed the customer support line to ask for a refund. I was told to phone their Technical Support line which I did a few minutes ago.

I spoke to a very patronising, rude gentleman who tried to tell me that a green screen when outputting NTSC through RGB was normal! I told him that my last 2 players both played NTSC no problems but he wouldn`t listen. He told me to set it to PAL as "TVs in America have NTSC, TVs in Britain have PAL. I suggest you go on the internet and learn a little about it" Those were his exact words...

I then said that pretty much every new TV made in the UK had support for NTSC. He ignored this and spluttered the same thing about setting it to PAL.

At this point I informed him that if I received no help from him I had been told I could get a full refund, and that this is what I will now do.

End of call!!!

These guys are cowboys. I`ll be glad to be shot of the player and go back to my 2 year old Minato G1 which plays anything I throw at it, PAL or NTSC, without a complaint.

As I said in the title.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th May 2003, 17:08

RE: Direct Deal - Avoid!!!!

julianf (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th May 2003, 16:05

Put the guy`s number up - I`m sure a few people here would love to make HIM "learn a little about it" - not me though, I haven`t got a clue about NTSC/PAL.

Let`s get the boy`s in the know calling him and putting him through his paces.



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