Info and forum posts by 'RextheRunt'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 26th March 2001, 00:02, Last used: Monday, 26th March 2001, 00:02

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Limit 300a owner.

This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Speaker and AV receiver deal, hit or miss?

Dear all,
I`m considering a package that includes a pair of celestion F2 floorstanders (which I`m told are screened), a Gale Centre 10 hooked up to a Sherwood RD7106, all for £400. I`m going to use my existing Gale mini monitors as rears.
So is it a deal, or waxing too much for too little? Constructive replies, always welcome.

P.S. Right forum this time Ed?

RE: Does Scratches on the DVD disc effect it?

I had a copy of `Young Frankenstein` that looked like cossacks had been dancing on it. In a fit of desperation I carefully POLISHED it with a very fine grade (solvoautosol) cleaner, and bugger me if it didn`t work! I tried it once with a giveaway CD from a magazine that kept skipping due to a massive gouge. After an hour of diligent polishing it played OK. I was careful to wash off all traces of polish before attempting to play it though.
I`d stress that this is last thing you should try in lieu of binning a disc and buying a new copy.

I`m looking for cheap, but good 32" widescreen tv


My ex rental 32" Sony (32WS2u) is three years old and can be purchased for £579. It isn`t your 100 Hz, flat screen, but it does have a decent picture. Point taken about Makcro doing 32" sets for @ £280 mark. Some make called Watson? Are they any good, as Makcro`s were flogging off the returned ones cheap at £179, which begs to ask, how many were returned as faulty?!!
Come on you guys out there probably know of some laughably cheap way of bagging a set without doing time. I know 28" is a lot cheaper, but size does count in this case. Guidance please Jedi.

RE: Bargains at Blockbuster

Damn right my man. Scored Shaft 2000 for £7.99, RESULT!!

AV amp and speaker package deals

Does a pair of Celestion F2`s, a Gale Centre 10 and a Sherwood RD7106 Receiver for £400 sound like a good deal to you? I`m going to use my existing Gale mini monitors Mk2 for rears. So is it stick or fold?

Anyone know where to buy cheap widescreen TV`s?

Looking to buy around 32", could be ex demo, any juicey kosher sites out there. My rental co are offering me my 3 year old Sony 32" 32WS2U for £579? rip off or go for it? All constructive advice welcome!

RE: Proline DVD £99.99 @ BIG W Edinburgh

Well Duder, if the Proline 1000 model I owned is anything to go by stay well away. They knocked them out real cheap through comet and woolies, and they wouldn`t play a whole fistful of DVD`s, plus they had a tendency to freeze. Customer service was zilch, and I dumped it eventually on a mate. Check out the deals at Richer Sounds, they don`t p*** you around when it comes to replacing goods either.

macrovision disable on Limit 300A/Medion 7950A players

A long time ago, someone made the bold claim that their limit 300a player from Richer Sounds came with the Macrovision already disabled. Mine is definitely ON, and I can`t see anyone posting a hack for this. It would be nice if some Yoda out there could save me from splashing out fifty notes for the little black box that Maplin flog. Has anyone invested in such an item? Was it just the biz or a laugh all round?

P.S. It`s refreshing to see so many of you aren`t obsessed by blowing yourselves off in some kind of esoteric techno jerk fest, but ACTUALLY like sharing ya savoir faire wiv us tree swingers.

RE: Limit JVD300A. Info Please

Care to share the multiregion hack with me please? I`m also interested in the Macrovision hack for this. You said it was disabled when you bought it. Where did you get yours?
Rex the Runt

Proline 1000 players, won`t load films I like!

Anyone know why Proline 1000 is so twitchy about certain films. It won`t load `X Men` , or extra features section of `Young Frankenstein`, and refuses to even show the main menu of Gladiator`s special features disc.Bloody annoying. Can it be fixed, or does upgrading sort out all the wobbles (including Matrix)?