Page 1 of Speaker and AV receiver deal, hit or miss?

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Speaker and AV receiver deal, hit or miss?

RextheRunt (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 28th July 2001, 12:57

Dear all,
I`m considering a package that includes a pair of celestion F2 floorstanders (which I`m told are screened), a Gale Centre 10 hooked up to a Sherwood RD7106, all for £400. I`m going to use my existing Gale mini monitors as rears.
So is it a deal, or waxing too much for too little? Constructive replies, always welcome.

P.S. Right forum this time Ed?

RE: Speaker and AV receiver deal, hit or miss?

readmenow (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 29th July 2001, 16:24

It sounds like an ok deal to me. At the end of the day you need to put together a short list, otherwise if you don`t compare products you won`t know if you got a good deal or not.....

I have the RD6106 and it is good for home cinema but not great for music, I imaging the RD7106 to be very similar if a bit more powerful. I`ve heard the F2`s as well and they are very good. This all smacks of a Richersounds offer, am I right?

If so you might want to see what they price you could get for a Yamaha RXV520RDS which I think is better than the Sherwood.

There was very little in it for me when I chose the Eltax Liberty 5`s over the F2`s, it came down to the £50 difference at the end of the day. The Gale Centre 10 might be a mismatch as well in terms of power. Why not try a couple of combinations and see what you think.

You could try the following (which takes you a little over the £400)
Yamaha RXV520RDS £254
Eltax Liberty 5 speakers £109
Eltax Symphony Centre £79

Happy hunting

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