Info and forum posts by 'Johno_aus'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 14th March 2001, 13:41, Last used: Wednesday, 14th March 2001, 13:41

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 14 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Spartacus - Criteron Edition quality

I`ve recently purchased the R1 Spartacus - Criteron Edition and there seems to be a problem with the quality of the playback. At first I thought it was due to the film being transferred from old celluloid, however I have read some reviews and none of them have stated the problems I am experiencing with it. On certain scenes there is some fading at the top, almost as if the film has been worn down. The colour seems washed out. It is mostly noticible when the in dark scenes (Spartacus meets Verinia in his cell for the first time, for example). Has anyone else got this movie, and if so, have they experienced the same problem? I`m starting to get concerned that it is a bad DVD.

RE: Best soundtrack ever ... TELL US !

1. The Doors
2. American Beauty
3. Fight Club
4. Singles
5. An other Thomas Newman stuff (Shawshank etc.)

RE: 8mm - the worst film ever???

Two words - Exterminator Two

R1 American Beauty, R1 Fear & Loathing, New Spartacus DVD 2 disc set.

I have the R1 American Beauty DVD and have noticed some "blocking" in certain scenes. The scene when Jane is being filmed for the first time walking to her house is one that springs to mind. Also the general quality seems to be a bit poor (motion blurring), I`ve also noticed this with the R1 Se7en 2 disc set. Anyone else notice this?

Also, the extras in R1 Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas will not play properly on an Alba103. Plays fine on my SD100e.

Lastly, anyone getting the new Spartacus Criterion Collection (2 disc)?

RE: UK PS2 region free hack?


RE: Dual Aspect ratios

Why don`t you try it and find out.

RE: Star Wars

I`m sorry but the greedy bastard (George Lucas) wants to milk the VHS market for all it`s worth before having it transfered to DVD. It makes sense: Let everyone who likes the film buy it on VHS then, when sales start dropping, release a DVD version. Then, a year or so later, release a "Special Edition" DVD series. Then, about another year later, release an antidiscombobulated, reenhancmentationalisticated, superduperhyperdyperreelinthebigbucks smash hit version. Then another year later.......etc......

Cynical? Maybe. The truth? Probably. Greedy bastard? Definately.

RE: SEVEN (R2) - Sync problems

I have Seven Platinum Edition (r1) and I find that I cannot change the angles in the multi-angle scene select. It remains on the original angle. Anyone else with this problem? PS. I have a Toshiba SD100E

RE: optical or co-axial????

Optical. Coaxial (although rare) can fall victim to interference due to the nature of it. Optical is a sealed cable and is interference free thus guaranteeing a cleaner signal.

RE: DVD for £200 - Which one should I buy?

I have a SD100e and can confirm that is it a good machine. It`s a little short on features but the picture quality is second to none.

RE: DVD`s - Dual Screen Versions

I have the same problem. Snatch has a 4:3 version, but you miss an awful lot off the sides. I`d suggest getting used to the black bars (like I have done).

RE: toshiba sd 100

I believe that the multi region chip is an eeprom. In order for you to successfully duplicate the info from one t`other you would need a PROM blower of some description, with the ability to blow DIL conventional pin-through ICs. And PROM blowers aren`t cheap.

RE: Your advise please on what dvd player i should GET!!!

What you should do, to help you decide, is scan through the archives of this forum to find out complaints/compliments of DVD players in your price range. There is no better critics of players than those who`ve actually used them. I came to this forum about a week ago seeking help on which DVD player to buy and a week later I`m the proud owner of a Toshiba 100se. This quote helped me decide:

"Anyway,back to the question in hand.not yet has there been a reply
for a trouble disk for the Toshiba. Thats why I bought it,You never hear about Toshiba on this forum,that has to tell you something."

Posted by movie-lover (or something like that). The simple fact is that people who`ve bought player "x" and are happy with it will recommend it fully. However, it might not do what you want, so you should only use comments as guidelines.