Info and forum posts by 'Scott Grenney'

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Joined on: Monday, 1st January 2001, 15:03, Last used: Monday, 1st January 2001, 15:03

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Content Author /

This user has posted a total of 13 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: NTSC Playback on Pal TV

I`ve had a similar problem.

Was easy to setup and so on, but only outputted in black and white. Check TV manual and it said it has NTSC playback, so I fiddled some more and after a day I was near to smashing my tv up so I had a break :).

In the end there was nothing I could do. Although recently I remote hacked my main DVD player (Hitachi 305E) and it outputted in colour fine?

From what I can tell you need a decent tv or this (page 3 of the PS2 manual)

"This console conforms to the PAL broadcast standard. You cannot play discs recorded for other broadcast standards (such as NTSC) on this console."

Although someone out there must be using regionx with it out putting colour?

This item was edited on Sunday, 19th August 2001, 12:07

RE: DVD/hifi setup suggestions requested

My advice is to grab a few DVD magazines.

I was on the hunt for a system as well, but had a look at "Home Cinema Choice", What DVD and What Hi-fi. All 3 of these magazines have lists and information on what to get e.t.c.

After a few days I pinned down my system :)

Home Cinema System: Sony HTK-215 ?

I`m on the look out for a home cinema system and the Sony HTK-215 looks ok:

I`ve spoken to a few guys about their systems and I keep getting told to save up and buy a top of the range system, although due to lack of space + not wanting to pay huge heaps of money I`m going to get a complete system.

Do you think the Sony HTK-215 is a good buy? Or are there better alternatives out there?

RE: Beyond a joke - dvd porn

WH smith used to have a "nanny policy" after their stores where raided by people ripping up the top shelve mags :).

But recently they changed their mind and brought the stuff back in :}

This item was edited on Saturday, 28th April 2001, 18:53

Beyond a joke - dvd porn

New release (example) :

Check out the sticker - "Warning containing strong sexual material". How much you want to bet that title is a load of crap?

I know the UK has stricter censorship when it comes to porn, but you have to laugh at the way they try to give the impression on the DVD covers that the porn DVD your about to buy is worth buying.

I wish my DVD player was multi region now :(

This item was edited on Saturday, 28th April 2001, 18:54

Need help choosing a player :/

I bought a Proline 2000 from comet. To cut a long story short It broke. a month later I had to get tough and finally got comet to give me credit (£150) because the proline was unrepairable.

The URL about is the choice of DVD players I have to choose from (I can add more to the £150 credit). After my last choice broke, I`m being more careful about my next dvd player :/

Can anyonre recommend say 2 players on the comet site? (need 2 because they always seem to run out of stock :( )

RE: What is this forum about?

If I know robert J I bet you this is a wind up? :)

April fool and all :)

RE: Proline 2000 problem

yes I bought it from comet :(

Why will I be in for a lot of grief?

Proline 2000 problem


I was half way through watching "Spaced" when the player froze. Nothing on the remote worked so I tried to first stop the dvd (I think it already had as it made a few noises as like it was trying to read the disc). In the end I managed to get to the dvd player`s main menu and tried to re-read the dvd. It would not have it, so I tried another dvd which I had used before and again it refused to read it. I`ve tried powering it off / on and done everything I can think of to fix it. Looks like it`s dead :(

Is this a known problem? Or could this be a temp problem which I might be able to fix? I`ve got an electronics engineering background, but never been inside a dvd player so doubt it would be a good idea going in :/

RE: Spaced DVD from channel4

Wait ! I did some more looking around and have the DVD for £17.99 so if you want to buy it save £2 and get it at blackstar :)

Spaced DVD from channel4


I`m a big fan of the comedy series " spaced "on channel4. They have a DVD out :

I think the DVD has all the series 1 episodes on it, but there`s no information to say what it contains. Does anyone know anything about the DVD? Does it have all of the first series on it?

RE: Some advice, and a thankyou

I have a friend who will buy this player off me when I do finally get a ps2 which won`t be out in any great numbers for 2-3 months :(.

The player was needed as I watched the last ever grainy VHS vid I wish to see, and I snapped :).

Some advice, and a thankyou

First time I`ve posted here :)

I`d like to thank the dvd reviewer team and everyone on these forums. I got sick of waiting for a playstation2 (wanted it to play dvds), and in the spare of the moment headed over to these forums and had a scan through them to find a decent dvd player. In the end I got a list together and headed to coment.

The awia model was out of stock (seems a lot of people here think they rock :) ), and in the end had to settle for a Proline DVD2000 player which a few posts on here gave good feedback on.

The player works well, but I need some help. I need to start off my dvd collection, so can anyone recommend some good DVDs to get?

Gladiator is on the top of my list BUT I`ve heard reports the 2nd disc not working on some models of players. Will it work on the Proline DVD2000?

Also is the film ZULU out on DVD yet?