Info and forum posts by 'Bogus'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 9th September 2005, 05:51, Last used: Tuesday, 7th February 2006, 12:35

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 36 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: I`m Your Punching Bag!

:/ i think i killed the punch bag

RE: gremlins idea

Joe boy :/ .


• noun the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

RE: gremlins idea

Sorry i was bored, and he was such an easy target :D

RE: answer ,me if u hate me

I don`t hate you, i think you`re a laugh :D

This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 12:19

RE: gremlins idea

does any1 remember the eternal glan clan? well when i was him every single 1 of u hated me for no reason and rjs banned me for absolutely no reason but now i make my comeback
by sarodomin
well i was banned for having argument with almost evey1 on the forums. have u read the rules
by sarodomin

So you're prone to telling the odd porky as well then or is it just a slight memory lapse

RE: gremlins idea

RJS just doesn't ban people for having arguments on the forum, any way i wasn`t the one banned before (With no apparent reason ;) ).

RE: gremlins idea

I know, quick arn`t I, its amazing what you can do while you are board at work and the boss is away...

RE: Lucky punches - what`s the theory behind it as far as strength?

yeah and ur point is?

The point was, what you wanted was already in the game....

RE: gremlins idea

There is no need to exaggerate, the forum gives exact times, 2 changes in two minutes.

RE: gremlins idea

cuv bijheu gamde slsso ojos noy evu dos
i wont do what u tell me to do. i will do it when i want 2

Post edit
i will not tolerate demands i will do it when i want to

Post 2nd edit
i didnt mean exactly 50. do u not understand sarcasm

Yawn, you are going to have to be quicke than that ;)

It wasn`t a demand, is was a suggestion that is you wanted you idea in the game then you need to get more people playing it.

And about the sarcasm? there was no sarcasm in your original post, you were just trying to sound big, oyu failed

This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 11:40

RE: gremlins idea

Well, thank you for informing RJS of that fact and that you need to be banned again ;)

saying that, we need all the people we can get at the moment.

RE: gremlins idea

gis 1 reason y i should do what you tell me to do? non of u like me


Give me one reason why I should do what you have asked of me? None of you people out there hold me in high esteem

Because if you want your ideas to be put in to the game then we need more people and lots of them.

Or is it because you don`t have 50 e-mail address ;)

RE: gremlins idea


Were they any good?

I can not imagine why people hate you so much, and I cant believe that RJS would ban you (he should of made it a life time ban ;) )

RE: gremlins idea

well get 50 more, the league could do with some more competition

RE: gremlins idea

OK i will rephrase what i said, this will never happen.....

(we would need lots more people in the league for it to even considered by RJS)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 11:16

RE: gremlins idea

jesus christ u must be thickest person

Talk about Me and the queen, you brought jesus in to it now.

Anyway, you need to go to shcool so you can go to an english lesson, learn some grammer.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 11:10

RE: gremlins idea

y cant he speak street is much easier and besides nearly evry1 does it. u shud try it 2

We can all speek the queens english, you should try it, TXT speek just shows that your lazy or your spelling ability is rubbish ;)

RE: gremlins idea

full of great ideas :/ ,

Dont expect that one to happen soon.

RE: Lucky punches - what`s the theory behind it as far as strength?

i think you shud get experience based on how much u take off ur opponents stamina instead of how many rounds u win

Sarodomin, read this...........

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of BOGUS,

Bogus The Arrogant was born on the 26/11/2005 and passed away on 30/12/2005.
(A whooping 34 days).

In his time he has fought and fought, accepted every challenge, and for his almight efforts he has been awared the all-time No1 spot, for how long knowone knows but he has the honour of being thier now.

Gone but never forgotten...

In the wings, is his son bogus the tall, but i think he may be waiting for the newyear festivities to be over so not to hinder his performance ;)

This item was edited on Saturday, 31st December 2005, 07:20

RE: Um... was that tumble weed that just rolled by

i will take the poor old chap under my wing and show him the fighting way.

RE: We have a Chicken in the ranks

Bonus is refusing again.

he was placed at no.9 and i was at No. 4, unfortunatly there is a lack of gremlins above me to challenge so everyone in the top 11 got a challenge. got positvie results from everybody apart from BONUS "I to scared to lose a fight" BONUSARMOLBEAST

Everyone beware and stay clear

PS. Sorry to Minn as you got me extra challenge today

This item was edited on Thursday, 29th September 2005, 14:25

RE: one challenge waiting from the top grem

I`m convinced of my eligability to fight you ;)

RE: Fursty Ferret is a Weasel

Relax bud!, she/he may think along these lines

I accept chalenges on MY terms not when it suits you!
I had no intention of ignoring your challenge, I never refuse any challenge! From Anyone!
But I accept challenges from who I want WHEN I want, it is called a strategy. Don`t like how I play don`t challenge me!