Page 1 of Two challenges available from the fifth placed grem

Gremlins Forum

Two challenges available from the fifth placed grem

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 20th September 2005, 12:56


I`ve also got some challenges spare, so if you think UUX is marginally too powerful for you, then reply here instead. :P

Ulrika-etc.. is having a funny day. She managed to beat up the #2 gremlin twice today, but lost to the #8 grem twice too. Perhaps her underestimation of gremlins ranked below her will become a benefit to you! Only one way to find out though! ;)

If the challenges haven`t been allocated by 10pm, then I`ll challenge the next two below me in the table who isn`t a pensioner...

Tis all for now,


RE: Two challenges available from the fifth placed grem

Bogus (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 20th September 2005, 14:41

I`ll take a wacking ;)

RE: Two challenges available from the fifth placed grem

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 20th September 2005, 21:04

...and a wacking is what you`ve received, although you did manage to get a punch in during the first fight - well done :) Thanks muchly for the challenge back too - didn`t have to, but it`s might good of you.

Time`s up for the remaining challenge, so it goes to karen70 by default. Lucky (or unlucky) for you Thunder Lips is busy (probably got a cold soar or something) :P



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