Page 1 of Fursty Ferret is a Weasel

Gremlins Forum

Fursty Ferret is a Weasel

baked (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 8th September 2005, 21:53

Dude why the refusal?
I am only 1 spot higher than you. Your dex and sta are both higher than mine.
So why wimp out?
Lame very lame!!
Only Losers Refuse!

RE: Fursty Ferret is a Weasel

Bogus (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 9th September 2005, 05:55

Relax bud!, she/he may think along these lines

I accept chalenges on MY terms not when it suits you!
I had no intention of ignoring your challenge, I never refuse any challenge! From Anyone!
But I accept challenges from who I want WHEN I want, it is called a strategy. Don`t like how I play don`t challenge me!

RE: Fursty Ferret is a Weasel

baked (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 9th September 2005, 08:02

I accept chalenges on MY terms not when it suits you!
I have no prob with that! wait 3 days 4 all I care if. it suits u, and gets u more xp great.more power 2 ya

I had no intention of ignoring your challenge, I never refuse any challenge! From Anyone!
Why refuse me yesterday then challenge me today? ?? Strategy 4 that was what?
lame very lame

This item was edited on Friday, 9th September 2005, 09:06

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