Info and forum posts by 'bogeystwins'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 12th March 2005, 16:44, Last used: Sunday, 6th September 2009, 18:09

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Mother of two snivelling (yet I guess they are lovable) twin daughters aged four!
Was introduced to this site by a mate who happens to be the current girl friend of my ex!

This user has posted a total of 42 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

banana icescream.
was born on
away on
3/6/2005 2555 2555 3175 461 208 253

slipped away so darn quietly I had no idea how many fights outta the 25 I didnt view that he lost!, I guess all the pressure of living up up bananamasher was too much.

Have joined the world of WOW! see lirael there!!!!

Lifes a paperback cliche! .... ****
Things happen the way they do for a reason....

RE: advance warning of terminations and free for all challenge issue :)

Awwwwwwww blesss cheers chick

Lifes a paperback cliche! .... ****
Things happen the way they do for a reason....


see what you all mean, lol,.....took me a while.. must admit it did confuse me the first time one of my earlier grems lasted all 20 on a draw and still lost as was the chalangee.... still at leat good xp... shame there is not stat marker for `draw`

Lifes a paperback cliche! .... ****
Things happen the way they do for a reason....

This item was edited on Saturday, 21st May 2005, 20:20

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Hoooo blinkin ray this sorry excuse for a gremlin passed away within the shadows of his bigger brother before him having only reached no3!
just taken a few days to aknowledge it, lol.........
the memory has been swiftly overtaken allready by banana icescream, who is happily using gremlins as a stomping ground.
my only hope is this one will fare a bit better.....

was born on
away on
6/5/2005 1700 4300 3100 461 185 276

Lifes a paperback cliche! .... ****
Things happen the way they do for a reason....

RE: hardest punches

heheheh an old one from shortly before the demise of a pathetic grem bananaswuisher
uNCuGLY 5 jumps at bananasquisher, delivering a knuckle sandwich
(Damage 3681)! his strenght was pretty high at the time 4k mark... but

ooops found a better one:
uNCuGLY 5 heads for bananasquisher, delivering a good hiding
(Damage 4021)

This item was edited on Saturday, 7th May 2005, 13:08


lol... just thought isnt all this persona nabbing turning gremlin kingdom into a bit of a soap opera.. lol, you`ll be finding one drowned with its next door neighbour as a suspect, so n` so going out with whozit but having kittens by someone


heheehee, cheers
I`m a sarah too, but cause I got two little *beeeeeps* (sensored due to swearing) twins who at 4 act more like 14 I aptly thought of bogiestwins..... you can only try and imagine why I thought of that, lol........


Hey there Young Steamboat (I`d rather not call you little willy!, lol)

yes there are some of us a bit narked at the idea of pinchin another persons persona and gremlins continuity.... it took me a while before ppl were challanging me on a regularish basis....
What we all whinge about most of all is lapsed and refused challanges... if you do as you say and not refuse no doubt after a few more postings and a coupla gremlins you`ll be on track to wipe the floor with all of us...
some ppl have more than one gremlin at a time running... so as sarah said just cause they aint fought doesnt mean they aint moseying around...
Dont get so het up shug.... you`ve been rumbled and owned up... lets play a few more matches eh!



I dont think its ness the fact of stealing someones potential matches, its the friendships we strike up whilst playing, when the persona changes it makes things a little more complicated, prehaps asking the so called "imposter" to polietly change their name so the original SBW can assume his continuation in the league..


Coo eck... I never noticed either... poor so n` so.... even his/hers/its profile is saddeningly small....... why bother! shuch a shame... gremlin name fair enough if similar to one someone has used before but copy all of yours??

Maybe whoever thought they were doing you a favour to continue the living memory of Big SB Willy whilst you were away from the game.....

RE: i didn`t expect to win

What`s this `SUN` your all on about??


was bouncin it down at times this weekend... fantasticly loud thunderstorm (which sounded like a lorry trying to plough its way through my wall) at 5 in the morning!... ahhh well.......

RE: ethics

hehehe its probably cause I leave him to fester and gather challanges, lol....sorry... I wont kill him off....sorry if I havent challanged you today tho....I updated his xp and he`s a bit bigger but still as limp, lol...........look forward to seeing you at teh bottem again when he pegs it!

RE: ethics

I feel the same about my nancy grem bananasquisher... the only reason I`m letting him live is cause I know the ones around me are willing to challange me, he is loosing most of his fights and the only reason he wins any is cause he runs of my rounds last the full 20 when his bigger brother you could guarantee at least a decent fight.... roll on squishers pension...he`s a drain on the xp society!

RE: A suggestion for RJS

Quote:Which if we get lots of interest again (say 500 active gremlins) I`ll definitely impliment.

does this mean I gotta open a few more accounts then, lol.........

RE: A suggestion for RJS

Sorry RJS can I tag this idea on (I emailed it last week but no reply so prob sent it wrong person!, lol)
was wondering if youve allready thought on something like this..... after all mine...and others whinging about lapsed and refused fights ....been thinking up of something as a deterrent...
an idea i`ve thought of... which may sound good(ish) but may be impractical....

How about Whoever refuses the fight gets docked (for example) 10 XP, 5 of which would go the the player whom was refused!? (because they`d lost out on gaining xp from a fair fight) .. if the refuser allows thier xp to stay in the minus it reduces their life span (by prehaps a % of whatever the minus amount is!?)

this could maybe work for those who lapse too... (cause otherwise instead of refuse they`ll just let lapse instead...)

dunno if this is at all workable but...thought I would try, lol
cheers, may be more of a deterrent than an indicator bar, cause as soon as that grem is kaput they get a clean slate........

: o )

This item was edited on Tuesday, 26th April 2005, 20:28

RE: Any other games like this?

PLus... the gremlins would probably eat him or at least try!, lol

RE: Hey Bananasquisher

I did, lol.... just managed to clear a few fights before I left on friday night ,....which I wasnt expecting to be able to do...but I left work early!, essentially was only outtta action saturday!, lol.........glad you missed me.... hehehehehe

Polite note to say to challangers of Bananasquisher........

Just in case.....
I am away this weekend (not that many will care, lol)
BUT.... this means I may have no access to a pc till sunday and may not be able to accept challanges as quickly as I usually do.
I dont intend to allow any who do challange me to lapse...especially after all my whinging bout such things the last week or so, lol.....
Thought it may be nice to let you know so you dont waste challanges if your desperate for the XP!

RE: Sorry Atomic

Either that or arsenal with is currently under discussion under why, poor s%d is gonna think I`m pickin on him as I;ve allready whinged about him refusing me and me mates, lol................

RE: advice please

I always seem to challange the same ppl.....the ones who tend to accept and try and issue a challange or two back....I feel guilty tho when I seem to win each one each time in case its deemed as picking on them!........tho they at the mo tend to last my tact a tad and hoping to give a reasonable bashing for a while... getting up the ladder and they`re all `beefy mash me to a pulp` in a couplar ounds strength! lol


Yup messgae earlier... ARSEnal also had the cheek of refusing one of my fights after he challanged me first! (and lost)... the cheek!!

Someones idea of having a refusal and lapse monitor similar to the activity one would be very usefull!...abliet unfair if the person did so by accident but there appears to be a definate trend that not all of us are cottoning on to...

ahhh yes just a game....but when that game is happily banging the stuffing out of other gremlins and they through no reason other than selfish pride refuse or allow to lapse (even more annoying is when your a newbee grem awaiting your first few fights and theres old so n` so`s who cant be bothered to term a grem they aint playin with)....

who am I to say owt tho, I`ve said play nice before and that was before a silly few decided to waste others challanges ......

RE: Sorry Atomic

Brunce the bonus is also a lover of refusals!......check out his fights very very few are lost... makes you think how many he would`ve lost had he taken up grems who challanged him but got turned down.......good job this aint a dating game, lol

RE: advice please

Awwwww goooo awwwnnnnee
I mean heck you accept all of mine and although my strength is sneezable at and a magority of ppl wipe the floor with may get through 20rounds and still loose... worth a bashing or two aint it!...see some of my lost ones I`ve only lastest a few rounds, lol.... thought I would try a different tactic this time and my wimp of a gremlin just aint with it at all... the only reason hes winning fights is he`s skinny enough to run away and prehaps try and prod the opposition!, lol


Why are you refusing so many damn challanges??
his stats:
18/4/2005 BRUCE THE BONUS bonus silver haired 800 800 694 167 106 61 Refused

yeah ok my stamina was high when I challanged him (higher now I have updated...) but I have loads of grems kicking the stuffing out of me in five rounds as my strength is only 100!
He has refused at least two other mates that I know of....just not polite!

Owner is
bogeystwins at the time of challange:
Strength: 100
Stamina: 1340
Dexterity: 750

This item was edited on Tuesday, 19th April 2005, 18:43


sorry added

This item was edited on Tuesday, 19th April 2005, 18:42

RE: Congratulations Beth, here`s the official result

Fantastic and well done, I`d be lucky if I could run the 26 yeards to the nearest shop without begging for a cuppa when I got back!, lol.
I hear sitting on a kiddies swimming ring may help with the lower back and bum muscles!, lol........


this is the first refusal I`ve had and he was as good a match!
13/4/2005 ARSENAL Arsenal Henry 14 teenager 58 135 282 /19 11 8 Refused

bogeystwins 65 220 140 189 / 72 117
This just isnt playing fair!
I have plenty wipe the floor with me.......

PLUS TO ADD.... HE CHALLANGED ME FIRST!!.... so I accepted, do the polite return challange and he refuses! cheeky blinkin.@%$£

This item was edited on Wednesday, 20th April 2005, 19:03

RE: hey yabba dabba

hehehehheee. I wonder what school would turn round and say to me if I told the kids that one (theyre 4)
Granted it is a fab name.......hehehehehehe

darn cant get it outta my head either................

( if you want something you cant get outta your head but just as annoyingly funny try this in a new browser
**** )


OOOh dear

yeah I agree why refuse...I have had grems way better suited at trying to knock out arni (terminator) in his prime than my scrawny little so `n` so....I dont refuse
(unless it were to be an accident of the finger..then I would post and offer a sorry....not that I am saying ppl dont...cause I have seen a few ooppps mate sorry finger slipped will challange ya morrow, etc)

This has been bantered round a few is only a game...yeah a waste of a challange but they dont get points either....I try and fight ppl who challanged me the day before if I can cause at least I know they are willing.......lapsing is a swine....but I think my bananananamasher went out with a couple waiting for sorry bout that peeps.......

now if we can all play nicely together and continue to kick the rc[at]p outta each others gremlins not each other...........

on that thought anyone wanting to try and waste bananananas little brother is quite welcome bananasquisher, is newly on the field and would like ppl to challange him and his fellow chums at the bottem............

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Banananananaa masher was fitfully laid to rest...having a couple of challanges waiting for him at the time (sorry) ......not bad for my first gremlin doubt when his little brother pops into the world there will be a personal quest to better him.......

was born on
away on
9/4/2005 1000 5090 3500 395 210 185