Info and forum posts by 'Pop Eye'

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Joined on: Saturday, 5th February 2005, 18:57, Last used: Thursday, 26th August 2010, 16:11

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 16 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Wish You Were here?

Yoda says, "that makes sense"
A powerful jedi master would have better things to do than comment on "wish you were here" thread

Need internet access in holiday home in Spain.

Does anyone know the best way to get access to the net without a telephone line in Spain?

Minty xx

RE: Mosh Girl - the funniest thing I`ve seen in ages!

lol... what was she trying to do :/? mad hehe

RE: Foamy`s Squirrelly Wrath

Just wanted to say that I love foamy

They are really funny, Foamy is cool my favorites are ...

This item was edited on Monday, 21st March 2005, 15:57

RE: JOKES -to make you smile - hopefully hehe

:) When the Irish say that St. Patrick chased the snakes out of Ireland, what they don`t tell you is that he was the only one who saw any snakes! ;)

:) Why did God invent whiskey?
So the Irish would never rule the world.

Happy St. Patrick`s Day !!!

RE: If Michael Jackson is convicted, will his music go the way of...

Michael Jackson has just offered a plea bargain....

He says he`ll plead guilty if he can serve his sentence in a Young Offenders Institute....

RE: It`s the Official Reviewer Caption Competition! #24, dig yourself out of this one...

The greatest lie of all time:
This won`t hurt a bit

RE: The new wall of SHAME!!!

12/3/2005 Wico Wico belly dropping 100 2260 3400 295 209 86 Refused
10/3/2005 Evil Edna Evil Edna belly dropping 100 1995 2378 267 129 138 Refused
8/3/2005 Nessie Haggis Hunter belly dropping 100 2260 2862 298 192 106 Refused
11/3/2005 Weegie Weegie belly dropping 100 2300 3376 314 225 89 Refused
6/3/2005 ChesewikVI rsherr a pensioner 124 1367 1534 203 102 101 Refused

:( :( :( >:(

This item was edited on Monday, 14th March 2005, 14:23

RE: Challenge give away from Loki

Let the fight begin :)

RE: Who’s behind the gremlin?

u saying i`m a fake???

Well, while we are on the subject of fake what about your pair ...are they real or is it rude to ask? :o

This item was edited on Thursday, 10th March 2005, 20:46

Challenge give away from Loki

I am getting a bit sick of people refusing my challenges :( so I thought I would make sure I give 5 of my challenges to people who will accept them - Hopefully to gremlins with roughly the same XP, so at the mo Loki has -

Strength - 200
Stamina - 1752
Dexterity - 2810

Just reply and I will challenge you after midnight :D

RE: Who’s behind the gremlin?

SPOT the difference - south park character playing gremlins …hehe

Does Mr Williams look like Mr Mackay :¦ ? Maybe you should take a public vote on it :) ?