Info and forum posts by 'idiot'

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Joined on: Sunday, 23rd January 2005, 20:35, Last used: Thursday, 7th July 2005, 18:36

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 54 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: DVD Recorder With Divx Cheap!

£99.97 in my Asda, so about £44 it still is. When its £69 in ALL Asda`s it will be a good Buy! - Maybe

Please read my previous posts in more detail and you will see why the ASDA one becomes £70 with vouchers that are freely available to everyone instead of the one you posted at £144 although i don`t dispute the one you posted may be a better buy if you can afford £144. some people will still want the cheapest at £70 as an alternative. infact you could get it for £66.33 if you maximised your voucher potential.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th July 2005, 23:17

RE: DVD Recorder With Divx Cheap!

Branded make, DVD-Ram with timeslip or Cheapo make with questionable quality?
I`m tight with money but pay the extra £44 and get something better

If your tight on money then my maths says that your post is £74 more expensive than the one at ASDA not £44 or do they accept somerfield vouchers at your suggested web site also?
I take it for you to make the above claim you know the make and that it is a cheapo one or was this a wild claim? Branded doesn`t mean it`s good althoughin this case i would agree that samsung is generally good. Bush and Goodmans are branded! There are many virtually unknown brands breaking into the Uk such as those sold by aldi and lidl which have over the last few years become to be accepted as "branded" quality goods such as medion etc. However i am sure that your post is a good buy.
Many thanks.

RE: PayPal 10% Discount Code

Every time I place a bargain on this site, all I get is grief about how it is not a bargain or I am trying to cheat someone. I have had loads of great bargains of this site and am just trying to give some back!

I think there is a misunderstanding here so i want to set the record straight. I`m sorry if I or anyone else upset you. My comments were certainly not intended to be critical of your post in any way. No where in my post did it say that "it is not a bargain or you are trying to cheat someone" as you claim in the above quote. I do not see any other reponses in this post that claim you were doing this either. I did not suggest that myself or anyone else would not want 10% off a SMALL paypal payment either! By no stretch of the imagination do i think that a paypal payment of $250 is SMALL.

I have used your code and wish to thankyou for you post.

I would like to bring your attention to the following advice for posting on this forum-

We want to keep these forums friendly and constructive, as well as fun. Try to post messages in the most appropriate forum, and most importantly be excellent to one another. If someone has made you angry, take a few deep breaths before you reply, if that doesn`t calm you down then just don`t reply.

I`m sure that there are many people would take advantage of loop holes in offers, order mispriced goods etc if legal to do so, and there have been many such posts on this site. I can only assume that because the info in this post was not available to us before your post that we are indeed taking advantage of a code that was not meant for all and sundry otherwise it would be more freely available. I clearly missed your mention of the $25 limit and all the other later rules that were not available at the time of your post that inhibit my imaginary loop hole.

Although good mathematically, i do have learning difficulties and find your post a little offensive. Hopefully you can learn from it also. A more positive response to my post would have been for you to say "i think you may have missed my comment on the $25 limit that may stop your suggested loop hole."

Once again many thanks for you post and keep up the good work.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th July 2005, 23:03

RE: DVD Recorder With Divx Cheap!

Is the one store that is selling them at £69 top secret or something or do we have to guess which one?

Here`s some more useful info:- My local ASDA accepts vouchers from other stores. I think this is at the discretion of the manager. The rules at my local store are that you don`t have to buy the voucher product itself, you can`t use more than 3 of the same vouchers, you can`t get more than 1/3 off your bill unless you actually buy the product on the voucher. This means that you can get 1/3 off your bill by not buying any of the products on your vouchers. This is useful because somerfield magazine has £10 worth of vouchers. 3 magazines = £30 of vouchers and £30 off your ASDA DVD recorder!

RE: PayPal 10% Discount Code

[green]quote]i think your post was great, so don`t listen to anyone else....[/quote]

I find that under the rules of this site that the above comment is Flaming. "Flaming" is defined as a personal, malicious or judgemental attack on another person. You have done this by saying "don`t listen to anyone else" as if to say all all those people who have made those positive comments are not worthy to do so! What makes you think that you are so special and above anyone else?

Looks like we all think this is a great post but for some reason BuffySlay_co_uk doesn`t want you listen and take praise from anybody but herself? Strange!

I can only assume that you haven`t read previous comments and that you have incorrectly assumed that all the other comments are negative.

I`m sure that we all think your post is great especially when coupled with the info others have kindly added about being able to use code only once so don`t waste it. I`ve also seen this posted on another bargain site which made reference to this original post. You clearly have popular post, DO listen to everyone else and keep up the good work. Many thanks to SFBANKS and all those who have added to it to clarify the rules of using the code.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 6th July 2005, 07:14

RE: PayPal 10% Discount Code

Don`t get me wrong, it is a bargain and thanks for the info.
I wasn`t being critical, if you read my post i was aplauding you for finding the scam of the century.
Don`t worry about my effort to work it out- it was effortless and instantly obvious.
My mistake was not noticing the $25 limit, but the scam would still work, it would just take a few hours instead of minutes to become a millionaire until you find the other clauses added since the original post. ie;

clarified $25 total- not per transaction
works only on ebay purchases
works on item price not total price (no point in adding a high postage)
can use the code only once so make sure you don`t waste it on a cheap item
etc etc

Keep up the good work and take a rest before you have a heart attack!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th July 2005, 19:56

RE: PayPal 10% Discount Code

If what your saying is correct, then this is a money making machine scam. i have 2 paypal accounts and you don`t need to buy and sell anything on ebay to use them. Even with just 1 account you can arrange to do this scam with a mate. For simplicity we will assume paypal get 3% comission in this example.

STEP1- using paypal accountA pay £10000 into accountB. Using the code means you only pay £9000. (accountB receives £9700) ie; £300 loss of comission.

STEP2- using accountB pay £10000 into accountA. Using the code means you only pay £9000 again. (accountA receives £9700)

This leaves £700 in each account (£1400 profit) with both original £9000 payments paid off! In a few minutes of doing this you would be a millionaire!

Even if it only works for ebay related payments you can buy your own or mates 1p `buy it now` items and add £10000 postage. You wouldn`t want to sell £10000 items because you would have to pay ebay comission also.

You have either uncovered the scam of the century or i`m missing something!

I expect that the 10% discount is really 10% cashback on the comission. E.g. if you buy something at £10000, the seller normally gets £9700 after comission and paypal get £300.
With the code- Paypal give you 10% of their comission (£30). You therefore pay £9970 for a £10000 item and the seller gets £9700, and paypal get £270 instead of the full £300 comission. IF THIS IS CORRECT YOU END UP GETTING A 0.3% DISCOUNT ON YOUR PURCHASES. IE; 10% OF THE 3% COMISSION.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th July 2005, 17:50

RE: PayPal 10% Discount Code

i`m confused. say i buy a £100 item on ebay. are you saying when i use paypal i enter the code i only pay £90? the seller then gets £96(ish) ie (£100 minus commission) and paypal lose £6 because they paid the seller £96 but only received £90 from the buyer?

This item was edited on Friday, 1st July 2005, 22:22

SVCHOST.EXE causes 100% CPU load. Please help!

I have a problem when i try and log on the net. Each time i launch AOL it locks the computer and task manager shows that svchost.exe is using 100% CPU load for around 10-15 mins. I use mcafee, adware, spy bot, microsoft spy ware and nothing is found. Does anyone know how to cure the problem?

RE: various 90% bargains at sainsbury,s

ok then, so where is your local sainsbury?

RE: Tip for the Supermarket.

Could the originator let us all know next time he finds 2 for 1 on 100% extra free?