Info and forum posts by 'ShaunR'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 9th December 2000, 15:42, Last used: Saturday, 9th December 2000, 15:42

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Scan 2.08..What`s changed?

Nelley / (Or anyone else),

Can you please explain what has changed with this firmware ( as is customery with an upgrade) It seems as if the same questions are posted here each time theres a revision,so a little version history may help newcomers who have risked a Scan player.

Also may reduce the amount mails that you get and then choose not to reply too!

New Scan SC2000 Received Today : )

Ladies and Gents,
Just a couple of points about the Jan 5th batch of players..
My original one was from August,Firmware 150...believe me there is a *vast* improvement in picture,sound and mp3 playback. This maybe a combination of mpeg decoder card improvements and firmware revisions but i can tell all doubters that this is the best buget player out there. I agree with the thread below regarding MP3 playback but i can`t report any problems with RGB Scart versus S-Video...the difference is hardly noticeable.Sound is also great with no dropouts experieced as of yet (previous one had loads)

Hope this helps some of the doubters : )

PS Would someone be kind enough to mail the latest macro free firmware to me? (204s??)Thanks in advance!

RE: look at this for a player the neotek 3000

"All DVD awards based on Encore DV-450 which is a re-badged NeoTek DV3000 (Excluding Macrovision Disabled)"

At bottom of page : )

RE: Scan SC-2000 Warranty Info

Thanks Jamie, i`ll do that. Would you mind emailing me Gareth`s direct number as it may save me a bit of time? I`d still like a response from Nelley on how us ` early adopters` stand though .

Scan SC-2000 Warranty Info

Hi Nelley / Whoever,

I`ve decided to post in this forum as it appears you often respond here (as opposed to replying to the mail i have sent both yourself and Wesley)
I bought my SC-2000 on 02/08/00 (yes! i had faith in your product and bought one immediately after using Scan many times before)
I have had an exchange because of the subtitle fault about a month later (my firmware is 150) but now have noticed that many of the new disks have inferior playback compared to friends and also i`m experiencing the MP3 problems that are mentioned in earlier threads.
My question is simple,What is the warranty on these players and can you arrange for the necessary upgrade / drop and pick to allow me to enjoy the product as it was intended? Pls mail me with your comments. rnuahs[at]moc.dlrowltn

This item was edited on Saturday, 9th December 2000, 16:05