Page 1 of Scan 2.08..What`s changed?

Hardware Forum

Scan 2.08..What`s changed?

ShaunR (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 20th January 2001, 12:48

Nelley / (Or anyone else),

Can you please explain what has changed with this firmware ( as is customery with an upgrade) It seems as if the same questions are posted here each time theres a revision,so a little version history may help newcomers who have risked a Scan player.

Also may reduce the amount mails that you get and then choose not to reply too!

RE: Scan 2.08..What`s changed?

DaveyG (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 20th January 2001, 15:29

Hello Shaun... other than the words Setup appearing in the background of the setupmenu, I`m not too sure myself..

Been running this firmware since yesterday.. Can`t pick any faults with it yet....but still it would be nice to know whats changed since 2.04s ?

Would be nice if Nellish could supply this information, as some people may not wish to upgrade if they knew ?

I always re-flash my PC hardware as soon as any new firmware appears, but this always informs you what has changed...i.e. added support...Could the
Scan SC-200 player decode MPEG 4 ? (Just a dream maybe.)

Even if Nellish gets the changes in Korean.. Somebody could translate for us ?

This item was edited on Saturday, 20th January 2001, 15:30

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