Info and forum posts by 'pontyslapper'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 7th December 2000, 09:37, Last used: Thursday, 7th December 2000, 09:37

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Owner of Wharfedale DVD750S

This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: HELP! - Sherwood R-325RDS turning itself off

Had a similar problem with my new Panasonic SA-HE9 on Saturday. Thought it was overheating but there was hardly any heat being generated.
Had the bright idea to check all the connections into the speakers - found the positive connection on the centre speaker had worked itself loose and was causing a `short` which would trip the overload circuitry.

That might be worth a try - if you haven`t already.

Warning for Wharfy owners (maybe just in South Wales!!)

Heed this woesome tale, dear reader, for I tell it here and now, and nevermore.

On 29th January 2001, I purchased Ultimate DVD Gold (top title, good for checking setups). Got home, plopped it in the old 750s, and sparked the old girl up. Only to find the laser pickup on the way out. Sticky mosiacs and freezes on all my discs. Got hold of a DVD cleaner, give it a spin, still no change.
1st Feb 2001 - Give the helpline a call - Yep sounds like a dodgy laser sir, engineer will pick the player up in a day or so.
5th Feb 2001 - Player taken away with my mint condition Ultimate DVD Gold disc. Engineer slip left.
Each Monday since - calls by myself to Volwes Vision in Bridgend where it was taken, to enquire after the old girl. Sorry sir, still no parts.
Feb 20th 2001 - Same story from Vowles - still no parts.
Called the (UN)helpful line, spoke to `john` who said Tesco allows 21 days for repairs. Um, OK times nearly up.

I`m not holding much hope of seeing my DVD player back until after my return from France on March 12th. I find this disgusting, after all, I`ve paid me money, now I don`t have the goods. If anyone would like to suggest a course of action for this one. Feel free...

Beware Wharfedale owners!!

Heed this woesome tale, dear reader, for I tell it here and now, and nevermore.

On 29th January 2001, I purchased Ultimate DVD Gold (top title, good for checking setups). Got home, plopped it in the old 750s, and sparked the old girl up. Only to find the laser pickup on the way out. Sticky mosiacs and freezes on all my discs. Got hold of a DVD cleaner, give it a spin, still no change.
1st Feb 2001 - Give the helpline a call - Yep sounds like a dodgy laser sir, engineer will pick the player up in a day or so.
5th Feb 2001 - Player taken away with my mint condition Ultimate DVD Gold disc. Engineer slip left.
Each Monday since - calls by myself to Volwes Vision in Bridgend where it was taken, to enquire after the old girl. Sorry sir, still no parts.
Feb 20th 2001 - Same story from Vowles - still no parts.
Called the (UN)helpful line, spoke to `john` who said Tesco allows 21 days for repairs. Um, OK times nearly up.

I`m not holding much hope of seeing my DVD player back until after my return from France on March 12th. I find this disgusting, after all, I`ve paid me money, now I don`t have the goods. If anyone would like to suggest a course of action for this one. Feel free...

RE: How to get your Wharfedale 750 exchanged for a new 750S (if you get problems)

I spoke to the store`s trading manager - who by my reckoning should have known whats what with the Sale of Goods act.

There was no disclaimers around the stack stating any problems, and if you asked the checkout peeps, they`d have said that they was no problems. When I bought mine the buzz was that the Wharfedale would play anything, even out of the staff!

I found that only about 3 people in the store knew about the Gladiator `problem`. The trading manager, the CS manager, and a mate of mine who works there (he`s a regular read of this site too!). Talk about a lack of communication between staff dealing with the product.

RE: I am going to change 750

Tesco`s in South Wales have stacks of 750S`es

Penarth - Stocks
Western Ave. EXTRA - HUGE Stocks
Pontypridd (Upper Boat) - 1 Pallet full

Sorry don`t know anywhere close to yorks that has them. Hope this helps peeps down this end mind.

RE: How to get your Wharfedale 750 exchanged for a new 750S (if you get problems)


It is a vast improvement on my Gen 1 model. Plays my old dodgy MP3 compo CDRs a treat (all scratched and evil looking too)!

Menus are lovely, a lot nicer to use and look at.

Question, did you have your receipt?? or not??. If you got a refund, why didn`t you try another local`ish` Tesco for instant gratification rather that an internet order?

A mate is currently jumping through hoops with Tesco to try and get his swapped out. He`s been on the phone all today.
The manager of the store concerned said `Don`t worry, disc two was free anyway.`!! Erm, no manager bloke, on the box front it says two disc pack or something similar! Not buy one get the other free.

His problem is going to get worse as Christmas approaches as he`s bought Gladiator for his dad as a pressie! I don`t think his dad will be too impressed when he finds out disk two doesn`t work.

I think his next move should be to go to the biggest Tesco in our area and pull the noisy motor trick. That should hopefully get him a new player.

How to get your Wharfedale 750 exchanged for a new 750S (if you get problems)

1. Go to your local store, scout to see whats on the shelves. You want to be sure its worth the effort! (this is best with the player/receipt left in the car/home)

2. Approach your friendly customer service rep. Enquire politely about the Gladiator disc 2 problems/Jaws/LA Confidential. Depending on the outcome of this, you may have it easy or hard.

3a. Easy - They`ll roll over and say certainly, bring the stuff back and you can have a new one. Make sure you get the person`s name, and the time they knock off if you have to nip home for the kit.

3b. Hard - You`ll get a `wise` bod (like I did), claiming about upgrades or `Its like a computer, once you`ve bought it that`s it!` I nearly exploded when this happened to me. I just calmly turned and left the store.(I had the kit at home) I went home got the kit(remote as well!!) and receipt then started back to the store.
On the way, I phoned ahead and asked to speak to the Customer Services Manager or somebody else as senior (don`t get fobbed off with a Checkout manager) who can make a decision about DVD Player replacement.
On talking to this person, get their name and position first, you may get the sorry no can do, or the ring the helpline, or some other line/excuse. Don`t take it. Calmly, explain that the disc works in a friends machine which is not a Wharfedale. Then say you would like a replacement player. When met with the `you`ll only get the same problems` excuse, exclaim `The player is not fit for its intended use under the Sale of Goods Act 1979, I was not informed at the time of sale that the player would not play the Gladiator DVD. Therefore I would like a replacement to be ready on my arrival in the store in x minutes/hours, I will take a chance on the replacement (knowing from this website the full story!).`

4. When at the store go to customer services and explain you`ve spoken to so and so, and that they said a replacement is OK. (This may or may not get relayed to the CS Desk). Any problems get the person you spoke to down to the desk to clarify the situation.

5. Go and get you new 750S - Check it is an S if they`ve got it for you. - BE SURE! You`ve come this far!

6. If all is OK, get you replacement/faulty goods receipt (this is your new 12 month guarantee) and skip happily home.

This is what happened to me last night (Dec 6) when I changed mine. I turned up with the player and remote in an ASDA carrier bag (box went out ages ago), receipt in my pocket. Walked out with a shiny new player in a box, with a new set of cables and all!! Your scenario may be slightly different, but it is important at all times, to stay polite, don`t lose it, don`t swear, and don`t mention the internet. Claim real experience with the disc concerned. This is vital to your cause.

Hope this helps in the quest for shiny new 750S`s round the country.