Page 1 of Warning for Wharfy owners (maybe just in South Wales!!)

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Warning for Wharfy owners (maybe just in South Wales!!)

pontyslapper (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 20th February 2001, 13:29

Heed this woesome tale, dear reader, for I tell it here and now, and nevermore.

On 29th January 2001, I purchased Ultimate DVD Gold (top title, good for checking setups). Got home, plopped it in the old 750s, and sparked the old girl up. Only to find the laser pickup on the way out. Sticky mosiacs and freezes on all my discs. Got hold of a DVD cleaner, give it a spin, still no change.
1st Feb 2001 - Give the helpline a call - Yep sounds like a dodgy laser sir, engineer will pick the player up in a day or so.
5th Feb 2001 - Player taken away with my mint condition Ultimate DVD Gold disc. Engineer slip left.
Each Monday since - calls by myself to Volwes Vision in Bridgend where it was taken, to enquire after the old girl. Sorry sir, still no parts.
Feb 20th 2001 - Same story from Vowles - still no parts.
Called the (UN)helpful line, spoke to `john` who said Tesco allows 21 days for repairs. Um, OK times nearly up.

I`m not holding much hope of seeing my DVD player back until after my return from France on March 12th. I find this disgusting, after all, I`ve paid me money, now I don`t have the goods. If anyone would like to suggest a course of action for this one. Feel free...

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