Info and forum posts by 'Ruben Gonzalez'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 5th December 2000, 14:19, Last used: Tuesday, 5th December 2000, 14:19

Access Level: Competent

About this user: Unrelated interests - Frozen food

This user has posted a total of 62 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Who`s Da best! Lets Vote on it!

Don`t forget to put yourself down for -

1. DVDbumhole
2. Tramps`r`
3. Gola trainer warehouse

Tramps rock for ironduke!

is that ok?


Learn to spell you tramp


Vern more are a crossdresser and should be renamed thick as sh*t


>Hey, if you can`t stand the heat, get outta the kitchen...

Too right, tramps!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 31st January 2001, 08:56

RE: HITACHI 505 STINKS !!!!!! Official

Warning!! Ars*hole alert!!

RE: Hey Wibble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shut yer gob tramp.

Are you deaf?

RE: Who`s Da best! Lets Vote on it!



RE: Evil Dead 2 U.K Edition???

Get the normal version

This item was edited on Tuesday, 30th January 2001, 12:13

RE: Evil Dead 2 U.K Edition???

I don`t reckon the tin`s worth the extra money, you get a booklet with a fangora article about the movie and nothing extra on the disc. The film`s class though.

RE: Enter The Dragon

Yep, it has the stick scene intact.

RE: Hey Wibble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will somebody please ban this tramp?

RE: Micoshrine2 UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You`ve all got too much time on your hands.
Please use it to drink turps in future.

RE: Who`s Da best! Lets Vote on it!

Just been on - class!

How come the prices are so cheap?

(p.s. I reckon that within 5 years you`ll be able to buy region 1 DVD`s from River Island and Burtons)

RE: Region 1 Backup problem

Backing up your region 1 DVDs to VHS is a great idea. I never thought of it before.
Now I can watch all my DVD`s in the same quality they were available 5 years ago and throw my player in the bin.


RE: Big Cobblers

Naa, I just went with the "mams hairnet" signature edition that comes shrink wrapped with nesquik

RE: Big Cobblers

I recieved mine in the post on saturday (2 days before it`s release - like I give a toss).

RE: Movietyme R (probably) Great!

I think you`re right about the availability thing, seemingly there`s a shortage in china itself.

I got mine last week but I`d had it on preorder for a good few weeks before that. Movietyme are usually fairly quick (as quick as play247 anyroad). Plus as you say they take switch for us non-visa owning peasants.

RE: Region 2 Eraserhead

Le Borne,

Go look on, I think they`ve still got some special editions in stock signed the films star, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

RE: Cr******g Tiger, Hidden Dragqueen

Naa I never got confirmation, it`s worth the wait though.
Have you seen it already?


RE: Cr******g Tiger, Hidden Dragqueen

>Where and when did you order from (and how much!) Ruben, I`m still waiting for mine ;-(

Look at the second post in this thread


RE: Cr******g Tiger, Hidden Dragqueen

Weyhey! Got my disc today!

Needless to say it`s class.

RE: Dreamcast DVD???

Naa it was because sega sponsered the premier of the movie and so got to put a few trailers on the disc.
There`s no dvd add on for the dreamcast although depending on which sources you believe one is in development.

RE: Unbreakable

Don`t forget the sound design, the parts wherein his "sixth sense" is revealed really add to the scene.

I hear he`s currently working on a script for Indiana Jones 4, wonder what`ll come of that?