Info and forum posts by 'snappyone'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 21st November 2004, 22:29, Last used: Monday, 7th March 2011, 09:20

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: A newly launched web site containing many food pictures. I would be interested in any feed back anyone may have on this.

As far as movie tastes are concerned, I like any good comedies or good action stuff too.

This user has posted a total of 32 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: web cam

Thanks for that. I was a little put off bu Logitech as Ive jkust returned one. But I guess that must have been their basic model.

Will give this one a g. Doesnt sound too bad at about £33.00

Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

RE: sony erickson k750i

Great, thanks for that. Why is there a difference on the network ones. I was looking at the orange. It seem the best way to get a deal. Have also noticed that Nokia have brought out theN90 now too, which is a bit chunky but looks pretty slick . Evem has a Carl Zeiss lens.. can u believe it????

Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

sony erickson k750i

Does anyone use this phone as I am thinkingh of getting it. Also, is anyone on the orange network, and if so, are they good? I am after a good camera phone and am keen to hear of any other recommendations.

Thanks everyone.

Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

web cam

Can anyone recommend a web cam. Preferably with a built in mic and usb 2 compat.
I notice someone had recommended a sony eye toy in an earlier posting(Feb 05) but I was wondering if its still available or if there is anything better now.

Many Thanks

Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

RE: belkin wireless modem and router

I`m not sure what is causing this, but I have a similar decvice from them and their tech support was excellent when I called them. They talked me through the whole thing and now I have 3 macs and 2 pc, all on the same network. If u havent tried their support, then give it a go. When I used it, it was even a freephone number. Ocasionally you might get someone not so clued up, in which cas, I would call back in the hope of getting someone else.

Good luck

Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

RE: [GC] Games sale!

Can you recommend any good Kids ones ages 4 to 8? Thanks.

Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

RE: In Car Sat Nav

Great,many thanks for the help with that. I did look at a Navman but found it really awkward and fiddly to use. Does the Milo option have a good size screen and does the sound come via your stereo or the pda,,?

Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

In Car Sat Nav

Dear All,

I am trying to help a friend find a good in car sat nav system. Does anyone have any experience of them or recommend any in particular. It needs to be easy to use with a reasonable size screen.

Many Thanks

Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

RE: Problem with AVG 7 or possible new virus

Thanks for that, I will pass that on.
Apparently they tried rebooting a few times and disconnected their broadband/modem And were then able to read the contact details on their email. They removed 2 suspecious emails which had attachments. Now things seem to be back to normal, except they still can`t get AVG7 to auto load. I`ve told them to reinstall it from scratch.

Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

Problem with AVG 7 or possible new virus

Is anyone having problems with AVG 7 refusing to load. A friend seems to think they have a virus that is preventing avg from running. It is upto date.
Outlook express seems to have all contact details over written in foreign script, also explorer is only displaying a grey window and the toolbar. They have tried to run spybot and the machine locks.. Also, zone alarm has not helped...Any help would be much appreciated.. as they are really stuck right now.
Thank you

Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

RE: does anyone know a hack for multi region on a Phillips DVDR 630vr

Anyone Out their help?

I`ve got all these dvds which I can`t view . If you know a Hack or where I can get one please let me know.


Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

This item was edited on Saturday, 11th June 2005, 09:31

RE: Centurion Twin Screen Portable DVD Player £117.50

Yes, I saw that too,,, bloody good deal,, £100+VAT,, You`d spend about £1500 for a full installation in a car... Great bargain, even if it only lasts a year.. If I didn`t already have one built in, I`d definitely go for it..

Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

RE: Plasma/LCD tv recommendation

Thanks Miles,,

Its a bit of a minefield out there but a useful site...

Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

Plasma/LCD tv recommendation

I`m looking to buy a plasma/LCD tv,,, 37" minimum.. I know nothing about these things and need help. Can anyone recommend anything,,,,


Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

RE: How do you blend 2 images together using Photoshop??

Hi Andy,
As always there are many way to skin a cat, especially with photoshop. One thing I would say is to try to pick 2 images that match in the first place. ie, theres no point trying to put a anaemic head on a bronzed body(not without matching them first). I would suggest, once you have cut the head out, and cut it out where there is a definite edge, ie do not include the neck, but keep the neck from the other image, keep it on a seperate layer. Then you can adjust the size independantly, so it matches your body image. Dont worry about using too much blur as it will look unnatural, unless the area you are blurring is supposed to be blurred.
Also try to pick images that appear to be lit the same way, ie lit from the same direction. Then 1/2 your job will be done.

Good luck. If there are any specific problems, let me know.

Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

This item was edited on Thursday, 17th March 2005, 10:13

RE: Free Investment Book Worth £12.99

Hmmm, sneaky,, u only get the book if open an account first...

Even more sneaky,, they dont tell u that until u give them your details....

Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

RE: Wireless keyboard & mouse recommendations?

Don`t buy a "Trust" one,, the recharging of the mouse doesnt work???

Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

RE: Virgin dialup PAYG ISP or can you recommend a better one please?

I would`nt go anywhere near UK2.. I used them a couple of years ago to buy domain names, as they were cheap. Then I had problems with my mail forwarding, which I used for business. They didn`t want to know about it. They only had email support, which took ages and in the mean time I was missing out on valuable business mail. I even had to pay them so I could move my domain to another provider. Stay well away!!! It might be cheap to start, but when things go wrong, you`ll wish u had paid a bit more....Check out, where u can compare providers. Although it is mainly for broadband, I`m sure the same companies will offer dial up too, and their ratings will give u a good idea of overall quality and price. Good luck..

Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

Anyone interested in wireless networking ??

If you are, I would strongly recommend Belkin. They have excellent support, open 24 hours a day, and what`s more, its Freeeeeeeeeee.... YES,, Zippo, u dont even pay for the call. Although u do get diverted to some strange distant land, they know there stuff well..
They had me up and running in less than 10 minutes, and that was connecting Macs and PCs to the same hub...

Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

RE: Has any one tried Google`s Picassa 2 yet

I didnt know that,, sounds like a dead cert then. That would explain Microsoft`s new google looking search engine,,, a bit of tit for tat.....

Please check out this stock food photography site and let me know what you think. Thanks

RE: Has any one tried Google`s Picassa 2 yet

It does all the usual things like, sharpening, colour adjusting, contrast as well as a really clever skew feature for when u didnt hold the camera straight. It also has some quite nice effects, a little cliche,like sepia, and other tones, but it does it well. Best of all its a real joy to use. Very simple. Great for the amateur or entheusiast who doesnt want to spend hours fiddling with photoshop... Oh sorry , ,I forgot to say, it`s photo retouching software, to smarten up all your digital piccies. Oh yes, and being Google, it has a "feeling lucky" one touch fix button as well.
Give it a go.

Please check out this site and let me know what you think. Thanks

Has any one tried Google`s Picassa 2 yet

I have recently downloaded it and am amazed at what you can do for a freebie program. It`s so easy to use and is able to cope reasonably well with all the basic adjustments you need to do. A pat on the back for Google. Speaking of which, has anyone heard the rumour that they may be launching their own browser ??

Please check out this site and let me know what you think. Thanks

This item was edited on Thursday, 3rd February 2005, 21:16

RE: Wanadoo Any Good?

Dont know about Wanadoo although the deal they are offering sounds quite good. Ive just opted to change to Bulldog`s new deal. Its £52/month but u get a 4mb line plus it includes your phone rental and unlimited calls(local and national). If u deduct about £20/ month for that it leaves a pretty good deal for a 4mb line. A newly launched web site containing many food pictures. I would be interested in any feed back anyone may have on this.

Can anyone recommend a Palm top

I have been using a Psion 5 for a few years and some slimey ignorant scum of the Earth thought it would be OK if he stole it.. So, to cut a long story short, Im looking to replace it with a something like a Palm Pilot ot HP Ipaq, or equivalen. DOes anyone own any of these
and have any comments or recommendations to make.

The main thing Im looking for is a good diary that shows a week view(ie shows more than one entry per day, in that view. WOuld alos prefer a PC compatable system.

Thanks in advance for any help..

RE: Is the 3 mobile network any good?

I have had one of their phones for 2 months now. Although reception is not the best in the world, it is pretty good most of the time. I got it because it was so cheap, £15/month for 500 mins, I didnt see the £5.00 deals,. I was runing a vodafone contract at the same time but will now stop that and transfer my number over. I have only called customer service once and while it was in New Delhi(or somewhere like that), I got through fairly quickly and my question was answered.

I was told that when there is no signal, it will switch to the O2 network. What was interesting was that when vodafone heard I was leaving, they offered me 400 mins for £25/month if I stayed with them. They also tried to put me off moving by telling me all sorts of nonsence about the 3 network which was untrue.

I would say that if you`re unsure, u can try them for 14 days. If its no good u can get a refund and if youre not too heavy a user, its probably worth putting up with a slightly lesser service for the cost saving.

BTW, Im based in West London