Info and forum posts by 'Adam Elphick'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 29th November 2000, 21:38, Last used: Wednesday, 29th November 2000, 21:38

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Software Trainer/Installer from the UK. Mainly use VCD`s

This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:


I`ve been trying to contact them for months but the contact page doesn`t work! ant ideas?

RE: Aiwa shite

I bought an AIWA just before Christmas...not a single problem, great picture and sound. A mate of mine was about to buy a Sony, but saw my AIWA and bought one instead.

Both machines are going great guns, no problems. Plays all DVD`s, VCD`s, CRD/W`s, and MP3`s that we have thrown at them. No drive noise, no dodgy LED indicator, no jitter, in fact perfect!!

I know we all love our own players, but I really do think it`s time we all agree NOT TO SLAG EACH OTHERS MACHINES OFF ANYMORE. If you have a faulty machine it doesn`t reflect on ALL the machines in that model.

Let`s try to be constructive from now on guys....PLEEEEEEEESSE

My AIWA officially rocks!!

Well all this talk of my machine is better than yours is boring me now!

I had a Hitachi machine which wouldn`t play some discs and wouldn`t even recognise my home made music VCD`s. So I bought an AIWA. I have to say that the picture is clearer than my previous model (although I know some people have had good service from the Hitachi). I have no problems at all, and so far I have not found one disc that the AIWA will not play.

So far as I am concerned the AIWA 370 is a superb machine and I would recommend anyone who can still get one to do so. A friend has a top of the range Sny machine and she can`t play all my discs!! Think that says it all really....

Lets stop all this bitching and get on with helping each eh?! One machine may be good but that doesn`t necessarily make another machine bad, does it?

Burning VCD`s

Can anyone help me with burning VCD`s?
I have access to a CDR machine at work
I converted some movie files to mpeg (VCD format I am told), I used a music video VCD as a `template` and replaced the music videos replacing the names with the original ones as i sustituted them. BUT IT DIDNT WORK!! What did I do wrong? Please help....(kcihplega[at]moc.liamtoh if anyone can help me)


I agree my friend. Bought mine from Comet just before Christmas due to everyones comments. Then my mate got one too, and I`m gonna buy my Mum one now!
It`s a brilliant machine, and the picture on my Bush Nicam Tv is outstanding, much better than the rubbish Hitachi 505 I had before (which I had to return as it wouldn`t play most of my VCD`s which the AIWA does).

AIWA officially ROCKS big time.!!!

RE: Should I buy the Aiwa 370?

I had a Hitachi DVD before and it wouldn`t play some of my VCD`s (in fact most of them to be honest!). The Aiwa 370 has played EVERYTHING I have thrown at problems at`s an absolutely superb machine. Oh And it plays MP3 discs too!!

Aiwa 370 ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aiwa 370..some VCD`s in B&W ...why?

Well I succumbed to a 370 and its really ROCKS!!

The only problem is that soem of my VCD`s (which played OK on a friends DVD player) play in black & white! Can`t be region I know, but what else could it be? As soon as the offending discs are put in the machine, the little disc graphic spins and the screen goes black and white! It almost looks like its slightly off tune?? Help please anyone.