Info and forum posts by 'Patrick Martin'

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Joined on: Thursday, 3rd June 2004, 15:44, Last used: Thursday, 3rd June 2004, 15:44

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 11 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Looking For A DVD Recorder Any Suggestions

I bought mine from richer 3 weeks ago for £220 and it came as Multi Region.

Very pleased with it so far.

Phillips DVD 70 or Panasonic DMRE55

I bought the Panasonic E55 from Richer a few weeks ago (£220 plus £30 for 3 year warranty) and it`s been excellent so far.

Set up took a couple of hours and I was soon able to start transferring all my old VHS and analogue camcorder tapes to DVD. I`ve sent some of the DVDs to friend & family in Oz and the UK and they`ve all been able to view them without any problems.

I`ve found the DVD-Ram excellent for recording programmes then re-using the disc. I only ever have 2 or 3 programmes at a time on the disc (before watching & erasing) so 1 DVD Ram disc is enough.

I also went for the Panansonic as it seems to be the more reliable brand (having read loads of forums) but only time will tell.

So far so good.

RE: same problem...

I opened and cleaned inside the unit and all connections as well as carrying out the upgrade but still the same problems.

Looks like a long (& no doubt fruitless) call to the Sky technical department again...

same problem...

same problem with an amstrad sky digibox. it`s been getting worse by the week.

i`m a sky subscriber but the box`s warranty expired after a year. called sky support a few times and all they can suggest is switching the box off & on again! it `s works some times but the problem returns pretty soon and worsens.

i`ll try superted`s method this evening to see if it has any effect.

(failing that i`ll cancel my sky subscription then re-subscribe and get a new box & warranty. anyone done this before?)

thanks for any advice


RE: Panasonic E55 DVDs & PC Editing...

Thanks for all the info.

I`m starting to get to grips with the data structure of dvds now after trawling through a few FAQs etc.

I tried Ulead Moviefactory (trial) and found it did the job brilliantly (converting to mpeg) so I may invest in that when I have all my analogue to dvd copying done.

RE: Panasonic E55 DVDs & PC Editing...

Thanks ddevil

I hope to eventually add titles, transitions between scenes etc as soon as I have all the content on DVD.

I looked briefly yesterday (before posting) at the contents of the folder created on the DVD by the E55. I was sure there was no .mpg anywhere in the folder but I will take a closer look this evening.

I`ll also take a look at Ulead MovieFactory 3. Can you suggest any other editing software that may be useful?


RE: Yay for Richer Sounds

Just bought a Panasonic E55 DVD Recorder for £220 at Richer. Haven`t yet seen anyone else come close to this.

Saw it in Currys and Dixons for £280.

Also got the 3 year warranty (loan machine while fixed) for £30 (refunded if not used)...

Excellent. Wish I`d found them years ago.

Panasonic E55 DVDs & PC Editing...


I am working through my vhs and analogue camcorder transfer to DVD via my new E55. All is going well so far. The disks have been playing back in a variety of DVD players and PC DVD ROMs.

Soon I would like to start editing the DVD content on my PC. I have a couple questions...

- What format is the data on my newly created dvd-r? I was expecting to see it (on the pc) listed as .mpg but found that the disk contained loats of different types of data.

- Will Nero (or an equivalent) convert the DVD data to a format that can me emailed (i.e. as with small .mpgs?) and easily viewed by others?

Thanks for any feedback!


RE: Philips dvdr 70 or Panasonic dmre 55 (novice!)

Thanks for all the advice. I`m going to go for the Panasonic E55 from Richer at £220.

I`ve heard too many problems associated with the Philips so an extra 20 quid for (what seems to be) a more reliable machine is fine with me.

One other thing... about 2 months ago I looked at the Philips on It had a list of customer reviews and the majority (about 10) reported problems etc. When I looked the other day all these posts had been removed and just one remained (which couldn`t say enough good things about the Philips..) Strange....

RE: Philips dvdr 70 or Panasonic dmre 55 (novice!)

Thanks for the advice so far.

Can both of these macines convert VHS to DVD? Has anyone done so and what is the quality like??

Philips dvdr 70 or Panasonic dmre 55 (novice!)


I have read & re-read the postings on this site and others and I`d really appreciate some clear advice.

I get the impression Panasonic is the more reliable of the two although I would go with Philips (and take out 3 year warranty) if it suited my needs better.

- What is the difference between R+ (Philips) and R- (Panasonic) technology?

- I know the Philips can record VHS video to DVD but can the Panasonic too?

- Will the newly created dvds be viewable by my relatives in Australia?

Thanks in advance for any help on these. I`m looking to buy very soon!