Info and forum posts by 'Darren Waugh'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 23rd November 2000, 14:55, Last used: Monday, 19th July 2010, 12:38

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 19 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Sony DVP-525 Multiregion Hack

Does anyone know of a multiregion hack for the Sony DVP-525 player?

RE: dvdcrave - warp speed delivery!!!

just ordered "The Matrix" from them on Thursday, arrive this morning too. Superb service, at bargain prices!!

RE: Elephant Stone`s X Files Spoiler Thread - do not read if you taped tonight`s episode !!!

Out of interest, does anyone know where I can get hold of Season 6 and 7 on video, as I missed 6 on Sky due to moving house, so I`m still getting my head around what`s happening in 7

LG3350 And Region 4

Has anyone experienced any problems with the LG3350 and Region 4 DVDs? I`m planning on buying "The Matrix" from, but this will be my first Region 4 disc.

Also, has anyone ordered from and had any problems?

RE: DVD Reviewers fighting cancer ! PLEASE READ

I`m in too. A worthy cause close to my heart.

RE: Which for my first DVD player, Lecson vs Scan vs LG?

I got the LG before the Xmas shortages. I`ve had no probs with it and would highly recommend it. I would say it was defintely worth the wait.

RE: For ~Jon~

Yep, CD-R definitely work on the 3350. I burned one last night and it played fine

LG 3350 for £206

just spotted the LG on Only prob is that the offer doesn`t close until 02/01/2001. Might be worth a try if you`re not in a hurry. URL below


RE: LG 3350 multi region hack

This is getting confusing. "The Matrix" (R1) gives a flickering /jumping picture and sound, while another R1 disc works fine. Is there a known problem with the R1 "The Matrix"?

RE: Where do I buy a LG3350? had them last week for £214 ex Delivery. If you`re in the Glasgow area you can go to their warehouse and pick one up direct. I was going to last week, but managed to get a price match from branch of Currys which was closer to me.

So far, picture and sound are great. Bargain for this price!!!!

RE: LG 3350 multi region hack

Tried that Jimbo, but no luck. Anyone any other ideas?

LG 3350 multi region hack

I`ve just tried the Aiwa 370 hack on my LG, as advised on this forum. Thr LG takes the code, but when I turn it back on and insert a R1 disc, the screen flickers up and down in black and white. This was with just connecting my player straight to the TV. The player works great on R2, but it would be good to take advantage of multi-region. Can anyone help?



In case anyone is planning on buying a Sony 335 player, you can get it for £199 inc VAT (£4 delivery) from There were about 50 left yesterday


First DVD Player

I`ve narrowed my choice down to 2.

LG 3350 - Best price £220 (inc Walk with Dinos DVD)
Panasonic RV40 - Best price £248 (inc Matrix, 3 Kings, Gladiator)

Ignoring the free DVDs for just now, is it worth paying the extra £28 for the Panasonic player? Is it any better than the LG, or would I just be paying for the name? Having looked at the Techtronics site, the specs seem the same, so I need the advice of anyone who`s used either.


RE: Scan vs LG vs Encore vs Toshiba vs Wharfdale

Thanks for the advice. Can you recommend any websites/stores for buying the LG. Best price I`ve seen is £196 from Techntronics delivered, but out of stock until 29/12/00.


Scan vs LG vs Encore vs Toshiba vs Wharfdale

I`m looking at the following players as my first DVD player:

Scan SC2000
LG 3350
Encore DV450
Toshiba SD100e
Wharfdale 750s

Can any owners of the above give me some info on how each performs, and which is best vale for money? Also, can you recommend good sites/dealers to buy any of the above from?


DVD Player Spec Comparisons

Is there anywhere which allows you to compare the specs of different players without having to find the individual reviews?

Scan 2000 DVD Player

I`m thinking of buying the Scan player, but I`m concerned at the variety of reviews that it is getting on this forum. Some people think its great, others don`t like it at all.

What are the `macro` problems that it appears to have (I`m not a techie), and are there any other problems that would still have if I bought it brand new now?