Info and forum posts by 'Larnbowski'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 11th April 2004, 23:26, Last used: Thursday, 9th February 2006, 06:37

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 11 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Bush digital Freeview Adaptor - palm size - advise wanted please

I`ve just ordered one of these. I`ll give a review once I`ve tested it. With regards to recording from it though, could you not simply plug it into a scart socket on your video/DVD recorder?

The Big Larnbowski

RE: Blueyonder - NTL broadband customers..

They did the same for me with their phone line. I told them I wanted to disconnect so gave me half price line rental for 4 months. 4 months later I called to disconnect and they offered me FREE line rental for 5 months. They just seem to be desperate to save customers for some reason.

I work for Vodafone and they`re the same. Call in to disconnect and mention you`re taking up a deal with Orange or 02 and they`ll bend over backwards to keep ya.

RE: Cd Wow DVD Rental

I am sick of this rental group. It`s not even CD-WOW that operate it, LoveFilm do. Check this out. I asked to cancel my subscription and they emailed me saying all titles must be returned by the 14th. I sent them all back on the 11th. They claimed they didn`t receive them back till the 15th and charged me £15 for an extra month. Utter rubbish and yes I had to chase CD-WOW for the e-voucher too

Use instead, they are much better

The Big Larnbowski

RE: Kill Bill Uncut Thai R3 DVD

For all those that doubted me, please read this as it is the PROOF that you all wanted.

And just to spell it out for you, The Thai R3 version of Kill Bill is NOT the uncut full colour version.

Case settled, sorry to be a d**k as someone called me, but I will not step down when I know that I am right.

The Big Larnbowski

RE: Trying to buy Eraserhead Special Edition that`s only available in the USA and Portugal

These guys a selling it for the bargain price of just $4. Postage is about another $4 but thats still little more than a fiver.

The Big Larnbowski

RE: Kill Bill NOT Uncut R3 less than £10.

I really do hate to say I told you so, but .........................

The Big Larnbowski

RE: orange pre-film advert

The original point of thoses ads WAS to be annoying, so that you`d turn your phone off. The `make me bleed` one was well funny though, it was so gay!

The Big Larnbowski

RE: The Last Samurai Region 3 DVD

Guess non of you know then.

Just got email back from CD-WOW anyway and its good news


Thanks for your e-mail message.

I can confirm that the region 3 version of this title does have English subtitles.

If there is anything else we can do for you please don't hesitate to get back to us.

Kind regards


The Big Larnbowski

RE: Kill Bill NOT Uncut R3 less than £10.

CD-WOW have confirmed that ALL R3 versions are NOT identical to the Jap R2 version, and if they was they would have sourced those copies for their customers, as they are having to cancel no end of orders. What further proof do you need?

By all means feel free to prove me and CD-WOW wrong by ordering your Thai copies and letting us know what they are like. I for one will stick with the Jap version as we all know it is the complete version that everyone wants.

The Big Larnbowski

RE: Kill Bill NOT Uncut R3 less than £10.

Right this has now been confirmed a number of times, Jap region 2 version is uncut, in full colour with switchable English subtitles, All region 3 versions have NO English subtitles and most are NOT in full colour, which has been confirmed by CD-WOW. As the name of this thread states `R3 NOT UNCUT for less than £10`

I`d recommend ordering it from, its gonna cost me around £23 inc postage.

The Big Larnbowski

The Last Samurai Region 3 DVD

Hi everyone, I`m new here so i apologise if this question has been asked before, but does anyone know if the Region 3 version of the last samurai will have English subtitles? after all the confusion over the Kill Bill issue I`m concerned that I should cancel this order too.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

The Big Larnbowski