Info and forum posts by 'Toby Jennings'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 20th November 2000, 15:17, Last used: Monday, 21st February 2011, 21:50

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: A DVD novice!

This user has posted a total of 9 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: cheap R1 & R2 DVD`s

I bought from after seeing a recommendation from The Ironduke - got a good price on X-Men and it was delivered quickly. Ordered it on it`s own so order value was low - that way customs dont try and charge you import duties etc. dvdboxoffice dont charge for post and packaging so it does not cost any more when buying multiple dvd`s idividually!

Oh, and apparently it`s cheaper to buy in Canadian dollars due to exchange rates!

Hope this helps.

RE: Cheap widescreens.

Take a look at the following websites for good prices for TV`s etc :

Once you have a part no for the TV you really want you could go to and enter it and it will search for best price for you.

The Thomson 28VK25US you should get for about £430 or the cheaper Thomson 28WS22U for about £340 - check the specs though.

I`ve had a Hitachi TV & Hifi etc in the past and thought the quality was excellent - never had any problems with either of them. Not sure about the Thomson (Used to be Ferguson) or Wharfedale build quality. You could get a good brand for a little over £400.

Hope this helps, enjoy.


Is a LG3350 multi region hackable.

Has anyone tried hacking a Region 2 only LG3350 bought from Dabs? I want to order one ASAP (If this wont work i`ll buy a Aiwa DV370 - have to live without the decoder) but really want multi-region capability. I`ve seen hardware mods for it at Techtronics etc but get the feeling your paying for something you shouldn`t have to. Thanks for any help you can offer on this one.

Hack for Mediamatics DVD Express 5.0 on laptop?

Does anyone know if there is a hack for Mediamatics DVDExpress software (version 5)? I am using it on an HP Omnibook laptop, which has a Toshiba DVD-ROM drive, model no.SD-C2302, firmware version. 1823. I`ve not had much luck finding the crack for the software player - although there does appear to be a firmware hack for the drive. If no solution, does anybody know of any software players that will work with laptops?

If you could send me an email with any help that would be great - thanks.

Email address : dvd[at]ku.oc.sgninnejybot


Toby Jennings

RE: Wharfedale 28

I saw a recent review of the Asda Schneider and it was very positive. I`ll dig it out tonight and let you know what it said. I think it was in What Hifi.

£99 DVD Player

Just been into Comet at Lakeside - they`ve reduced the Grundig GDV-210 to £99.....
Must have been because of all the good reviews you guy`s gave it!

They also had a Hitachi 505 reduced but I dont want to tell Mr Dukey the cost as it may depress him.

Quite a few reductions on a number of players - Tosiba SD100 for £199 etc.

But runnout of Aiwa DV-370`s, so could not get one.


Last question - Aiwa 370 or Pioneer 535

I`m off to the shops (virtually) and was about to order the Aiwa as recommended by most people here, but found (thanks to The Ironduke`s links page) that have the Pioneer 535 Multiregion for £199. I have read good reviews here about the Pioneer, but has anyone got any opinions on the 2 choices. I want to order one today in time for weekend!

(Also, I had discounted the Philips DVD 711 and Hitachi DV-305E - am I right in thinking they are not as good as the other 2?).

There are just so many choices, I just cant decide and it`s driving me mad.



Aiwa 370 and Yamaha DSP-A5

Just been to my local Comet and the Aiwa looks fine for what I want. I do want to get a better speaker kit, and Comet do a Yamaha bundle for £350 which looks very nice. Anyone have any thoughts on the bundle together? Are there any features missing from the Aiwa that will prevent it from working together. Sorry but I have no idea! I was going to buy an all in one but have been put off by the clever bods.

The guy in Comet reckons he can Aiwa and Yamaha bundle for £500 which seems OK to me? Anybody know where I can improve on that?



DVD Receivers, all in ones (ie. Sony DAV-S300)

I`m new to the DVD world and am looking at buying my first DVD player. I am short on space and do not have a separate amp etc to get the most of the sound, so am considering purchasing either a Sony DAV-S300 or Panasonic SC-PM08 (not the SC-HT80 due to ugliness). Has anybody experienced either of them? Any known faults or dislikes. I know they may not be considered to be the ideal solution for everyone with money, but I am on a tight budget and definately short on space but would like the 5 channel sound set-up.

Any comments appreciated.

