Info and forum posts by 'RottingFoxBreath'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 13th November 2003, 18:53, Last used: Thursday, 13th November 2003, 18:53

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: LG5520 home cinema
42" projection TV.
all the ususal guff associated with quality entertainment.

This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Worst layer change during a movie!!!!!!!

RE: Worst layer change during a movie!!!!!!!
posted by clayts on Saturday, 21st February 2004, 19:18
Two Towers EE Disc 1 - truly awful timing - halfway through a line


i think he means the region 2 version of LOTR:TFOTR.
that happens when gandalf gets of his horse and starts talking to saruman.
it cuts a line in 2,really badly placed.

RE: Alba DVD45 - does this play DVD-Rs?

yeah it does play dvd-rs and dvd+rs,and rewritable dvds.

RE: LG DVD-5083

dont think you can do it on the 5xxx series players.
only vcd,svcd,dvd+ and - and dvd(originals).
youll have to make a svcd or vcd.


yeah,its driving me nuts too,must be one of the only albas that doenst have a hack.

RE: Pacific 1001 Muti-Regional????????????????

just try stopping it before the warning screen appears.
then press play.
the only thing you have to remember is that the 1001 is discontinued,and not every disc plays in every player.
i dont think Finding Nemo is RCE.
as that IMO is really only used by columbia tristar,and sony(one in the same).
well most of my RCE discs are columbia.
try the 1002(W) hacks,see if they work.
the 1001 was discontinued a few months ago,and so was the schneider 857,i think thats the model.
asda just seem to be sticking the last few in stores that will sell them.
they stopped selling them near me,as most people bought the 1002.

RE: Alba DVD55 hack

it plays

and it played a windows media file of a fireworks explosion i downloaded,but still only plays Region 2 movies,except the Region 1 version of Resident Evil.

RE: Pretty please with sugar on the top!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i havent seen a hack for it anywhere,but i do beleive that its either a goodmans clone or some other brand,sorry i cant remember which,but it did play my region1 Resident Evil,and nothing else.all the rest were region 2.
i got 2 of them,as they play all discs,like dvd-mp3.cdmp3,mpeg,DVD+R,DVD-R,etc.
all rather nice i thought,and no probs at all.
theyll do for my mum and dads Xmas,and my kids room.