Info and forum posts by 'sfc9394'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 14th October 2003, 08:27, Last used: Wednesday, 26th January 2005, 22:08

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Latest Poll

Yeah fair enough you can do the delete cookies/cache method. I wouldn't have thought that anyone would have been sad enough to spend half an hour doing that for a meaningless internet poll (excluding you sj, who obviously just did it to prove that it can be done).

RE: Latest Poll

It`s sad really, as this could have been a really interesting poll which might have indicated the views of the public on the next government.

This is a good example why sms voting/e-voting and all the other ideas that are banded about are not only nonsense, but actually dangerous.

If you have to physically get up and go to a polling station then you are much less likely to `take the p***`, which you can happily do while sitting at a pc where it takes a few seconds to vote.

RE: Latest Poll

I highly suspect it is inaccurate.

I was burning time this afternoon, coming back to this site every hour or so, and the bnp was sitting down around 15% - still shockingly high I admit - at around lunch time and before. Then suddenly a couple of hours later it has gained 10% out of thin air.

Assuming normal distributions of voting, that kind of leap shouldn`t be happening.

RE: 50% off at BBC Shop


going on my own experience and others you will probably have to create a new account with a different email address to get it to work again.

RE: 50% off at BBC Shop

Just got an email from bbcshop to say that my order (1 of 3) has...


I think I will still wait until the goods are at my door and the agreed amount has been debited from my card, but so far looking very good.

RE: 50% off at BBC Shop

Good spot.

Not surprising that they fixed it, some items were available at stupid prices (eg. fancy digital radio for £50)

The question is will we get our stuff??


The `promotional versions` seem to be identical. It looks like play are just doing that so they can differentiate between the £30 versions and the cheap ones. The reason they are keeping the £30 versions is that the cheap ones are not `released` until the 29th of March. So if you want the sets soon then they allow you to still buy them for £30.

It`s annoying as hell that they can`t just offer them cheap just now, but I am sure the fox marketing whizzes have reasons for holding it until the end of March.


RE: Pheonix Nights Vol 1 and 2 only £14.99

Ordered one as well.

Watch out for emails now since the price is back up to £29.
