Info and forum posts by 'aliman2000'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 10th October 2003, 22:42, Last used: Tuesday, 7th March 2006, 09:19

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 12 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: The PC brigade gone mad again surely!!

My girlfriend has just finished teacher training and is in her first job. She has been told that the correct term is `baa baa woolly lamb`. Theres also no such thing as a blackboard - its a chalkboard!

RE: St Andrew`s Day

Happy St. Andrews Day. I`m in Zagreb working so decided to spread the St Andrews day craic. I`m wearing my kilt into work, brought in lots of scottish food for the croatian staff and have organised a haggis meal tonight!

RE: FREE coffee machine

Cheers to the OP! I thought this was another flash in the pan and wouldn`t happen, but both of them turned up this morning. It maybe helped that I`ve got a business account setup with them mistakenly a while back to get the £30 leather chair. Good luck to everyone else!
The coffee maker is quite small but perfect for a quick cup in the morning.

RE: 5 invites for gmail 1st come 1 st served

I`d like one of your delightful invitations please!
ali_man_2000 at


RE: Free stuff from MS - Software and hardware.

I`ve recently been emailed by them to say they can`t send the prizes to me until I send in an original payslip stating that I work for specific companies that are involved in this promotion. Seeing as I dont work for any of these companies I just forgot about it!

Mega annoying pc problem!

I`m not sure if my problem is to do with my tft monitor or graphics card.
When my computer is starting up it displays the message "out of timing". It has been doing this for a while and now won`t boot into windows at all.
I had the problem before with my radeon 7000 and had to reinstall windows which seemed to stop it for a while. I have now replaced the graphics card for a radeon 9200 but the problem is still there. It has slowly been getting worse up until last nite when it wouldnt boot into windows again.
I`ve tried reinstalling windows today but this hasn`t made a difference.
At the moment I`m running from my onboard graphics card and there doesnt seem to be a problem but the onboard card is poor to say the least.
What is the problem? Is it windows, graphics card or monitor?
Please someone help me, I`m goin out of my mind!

RE: zonealarm update , just say no

I just updated to the new version and it caused mega hassle with my wireless network. My laptop connected but couldnt get anywhere near the net. I tried fiddling with all the settings but no luck. I eventually just removed zonealarm and reinstalled a previous version I had stored on my pc. Wireless network now back up to full strength!

Wireless network problems

I`ve got an 802.11g wireless ad-hoc network set up between my main pc (cable broadband wired connection) and my new laptop. I have had it running perfectly before, but since a re-install of xp its causing a few problems.
The network has a habit of dropping every once in a while then goes through a process of finding network, dropping network every few seconds until I reboot the pc`s.
The laptop has a problem with internet connection sharing: some web pages take a long time to load or don`t load at all, msn and windows messenger won`t sign in on the laptop.
I`m also unable to share my drives between the networked computers. I have set up the drives for sharing but when you try to map a new network drive it cant find it.
Any help would be great!

RE: Powerpoint files - ability to print/edit

Hi Fitz, totally shocked that no-one has recommended OpenOffice! The download size is about 64MB so you could download it and send it to her. Its totally free and works with all of microsofts office documents. I`ve found it to be just as easy to use as MSOffice.


TFT monitors

Hi folks,

Do you know where i can find a reasonably priced 15" TFt monitor? preferrably under £200!


RE: System Volume Information - 3,703 MB

I had roughly the same on my pc. Its most likely System Restore information if you are running xp.
To remove it just switch System Restore off to reclaim the 4GB then back on. Make sure you also set a new restore point once you have done that.

Speakers for pc

Hi folks!
This is my first post although I have been using this forum for quite a while now.
I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me.

I have an inbuilt soundcard in my pc that outputs to two monitor mounted speakers (which are surprisingly good). The soundcard also has the option of being used as a 4 speaker or 5.1 speaker system, which is controlled through software. I can`t really buy a separate quality soundcard as I am a lowly student on a budget.

I want to add at least two more speakers to my current setup at the two corners of the room behind me (the room is very, very small). I have a shelf on one corner to put a speaker, but have a settee in the other with no shelf. I would probably need a speaker stand to come up from behind the settee to fit the fourth speaker in this corner.

Do I need to buy pc specific speakers or can I use hi-fi speakers? Can anyone recommend a cheap, reasonable setup to use? What price roughly would I be looking at for 2 extra speakers, or would I be just as well going for a 5.1 system and doing away with the monitor mounted speakers?

Any help you people could throw in my direction would be great. Cheers!!

p.s. got myself one of the Viking leather chairs after seeing it in bargain buckets forum when it was first announced - what a cracking bargain!