Info and forum posts by 'scream'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 29th October 2000, 02:38, Last used: Sunday, 29th October 2000, 02:38

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: a big fan of everything home cinema,especially dvd!
i have a sherwood dolby digital amp ,,jbl centre speaker, kef stereo speakers, goodman arenas for rears and a kenwood sub dvd player is an ageing panasonic a130.

This user has posted a total of 14 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: DVD Copy Software

hi,the best and easiest to use is dvddecrypter,then dvd2one, then burn it to dvd+/-r useing nero or what ever saoftware comes with your writer.dvddecrypter is free and there is a charge for dvd2one,but you wont be dissapointed.

weird"flash" accross philips widescreen tv????

hi guys,can ayone help?i have had my 32 wide philips for about 2 years now,every now and then a "flash" goes accross the screen,it could be when i watch sky,dvd or normal does not happen all the time but it always does happen from time to time.could it be the tuner,is it some connection that is wrong with what i have plugged into the tv {my sky box,dvd??} it is very annoying and i dont know what the hell it is? can any one suggest what it is?the tv plays fine and have no bother with it what so ever except is starting to make me potty!please help.

RE: yamada 5520 and dvd+r discs?

thanks sra72,will go and get one.cheers.

yamada 5520 and dvd+r discs?

hi guys,i use dvd+r discs and was wondering if the yamada 5520 plays them?if any one has knowledge of this player can they please advise,cheers.

toshiba 210e firmware???

hi guys,i like my tosh 210e for playing my discs ok except when it comes to the dreaded svcd ones,you know what im talking about the lip-sync problem!is there any way of fixing this without it going to some shop somewhere?i have asked themselfes about getting the firmware upgraded but they say no disc exsists and to put it back to the place i bought it from and they will do it,which when i phoned them they say the same as toshiba that it can not be done?i have tried the usual "press the angle"" button twice or the audio button twice etc...but to no i stuck with the player as is or does any one know how to fix this or where it can be done?my firmware ver is 1.4 and the newest is ver2.3. any thoughts ?

RE: dvd-r discs on a tosh??

thanks for the info paull,it does have bad lip sync on svcd but other wise a good dvd player,cheers.

dvd-r discs on a tosh??

hi gang can anyone tell me if the tosh 210e can play copied dvd-r discs?i am thinking of getting some movies from the net but want to know if i can play them on my machine,thanks.

RE: does anyone else have this problem with their tosh 210e?

thanks bowf,i will hook it up to my mates dd amp and see if it plays ok,if it does i had better get me another amp sharpish!!cheers for the input.

does anyone else have this problem with their tosh 210e?

hi gang,i have a 6 month old tosh 210e hooked up to my 2 yrs old sherwood newcastle doldy digital plays my dvds ok until i use the next track selection button on its remote,it changes to the next chapter ok but 7 times out of 10 the sound disapears,it will only come back on if i change my selection on the input on the sherwood remote to something else{say tv}and then back to dvd and the sound reapears! this is the second machine i have had,the first one did the same but more of it. is there something wrong with this machine as well or is it my digital amp? makes no differance if i use co-ax or optic lead,they both do the same. i am getting pretty cheesed off,can any one help?

RE: the best for £200 ?

thanks denon and clayts,i think i will go for the toshiba,it sounds too good to pass up,sorry i did not know the right forum to post in but i think most of the guys would have said the same,thanks again.

the best for £200 ?

hi guys,my old panasonic A130 has finally gone to the dvd graveyard and i am looking for a player for £200.picture quality and multi- reg are my main concerns,not so bothered about being able to play mp3 although playing cd-r,s would be an advantage,also where is the most reliable place to buy it from,thanks.

vcd players?

can any one supply a list of dvd players that will play copied vcd,s that are also about the £300 mark,and what is the best one for picture quality,thanks guys.

RE: what is wrong with my player?

thanks for the input mark,i have already tried all that you mentioned and even had it too my local panasonic dealer,whom might i say had not a clue what it was and charged me £35! to watch movies on it all day! And then to turn around and say he could not find anything wrong.well i know what brand i will not be buying when it does eventually go tits up!cheers.

what is wrong with my player?

i have a panny a130 chipped which i have had for a few years,but it is now starting to act funny on some discs,it will freeze at some stages and on other discs{music ones}it will break up into little digital my laser on the fritz or is it just funny with some discs any way,your thoughts gentlemen?