Page 1 of toshiba 210e firmware???

Hardware Forum

toshiba 210e firmware???

scream (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 11th December 2002, 15:34

hi guys,i like my tosh 210e for playing my discs ok except when it comes to the dreaded svcd ones,you know what im talking about the lip-sync problem!is there any way of fixing this without it going to some shop somewhere?i have asked themselfes about getting the firmware upgraded but they say no disc exsists and to put it back to the place i bought it from and they will do it,which when i phoned them they say the same as toshiba that it can not be done?i have tried the usual "press the angle"" button twice or the audio button twice etc...but to no i stuck with the player as is or does any one know how to fix this or where it can be done?my firmware ver is 1.4 and the newest is ver2.3. any thoughts ?

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