Info and forum posts by '--- -__- -_--'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 8th May 2003, 23:52, Last used: Thursday, 8th May 2003, 23:52

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: --- -__- -_--

This user has posted a total of 16 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Ok I am stupid, but am I alone?

Biagio, welcome to the stupid club.. ;)

Glad I am not alone

Ok I am stupid, but am I alone?

For several years I have wondered why have a cheese as the logo on the general forum.

I have just realized what it in fact is, and the black part is not the shadow of the cheese.

I`m I alone in making this mistake?

RE: Attention, new version of Adaware!!

Adaware is good, but I find Spybot better.

That said i run both adaware and spybot on my PC

Spy bot can be found here:-

Also those of you that run P2P software should check out Peerguardian

It filters (blocks) `bad` IP addresses from connecting to you (ie. RIAA, MPAA, known Port Scanners, etc...)

It can be here:-

RE: Thunderbird wine?

Don`t you just hate it when some else pips you to the post saying the same thing.

I will be sending my big bro round to have words

RE: Thunderbird wine?

all of a sudden I am 16 years old geting drunk in the park with me mates and a bottle of red Thunderbirds. And the year is 1989, naff hair cuts, crap dress sence...... we better swiftly move on to 2003.

You dont think the Thunderbirds was to blame do you?

PS last time i had any it came from Threshers offlicence

RE: Junk Mail Arrrrrrrrrrrgh!

Not really what you are after but my advice would be to report the spam that way you are cutting it out at source for others also not just your self.

The solution you seek really will just mask the symptoms of the problem so you don`t get to see it.

The more users that report spam the less spam there will be in the system, the less spam in the system the less users get spam. (also it will reduce the load on servers etc.)

It also closes the open relays down that the spammers use to send there mail making it harder for them to make there money and if they don`t make money the are less likely to send spam, is a very good tool for doing such reporting.

Please read, before its to late

MSBlaster worm spreading rapidly
By John Leyden
Posted: 12/08/2003 at 09:17 GMT

A worm that exploits a critical Remote Procedure Call (RPC) flaw to infect vulnerable Windows machines is spreading rapidly across the Internet this morning.

Although serious, the effects of the MSBlaster worm are expected to be less than that caused by the infamous Nimda worm.

The MSBlaster worm, also known as Lovsan, Blaster or Poza and which began spreading yesterday, is programmed launch an attack against on 16 August.

Microsoft last month issued a patch to guard against the problem but uptake has been predictably slow, allowing malicious code writers to come up with software that is having a severe effect on many users.

Mac, Linux and Unix computers are immune to this Microsoft-specific vulnerability.

According to a preliminary analysis of the worm by F-Secure, the worm spreads in a 6176 byte executable named MSBLAST.EXE to Windows 2000 and Windows XP systems unless recent Windows security patches have been applied. Windows NT 4 and Windows 2003 might also be affected but these systems appear to be playing a lesser role in the spread of the worm.

The worm launches a command shell and uses TFTP to connect to other infected systems to download the worm`s executable. MSBlaster will scan addresses in the Internet to locate vulnerable Windows machines using TCP/TDP port 135. Once found, it will copy itself over and modify the system so the worm will be executed every time the machine is started. The worm will keep on replicating from every infected machine.

Unsuccessful propagation attempts may crash vulnerable computers, or render them unstable. Successful worm outbreaks are causing localised network latency.

MSBlaster contains the following text:

I just want to say LOVE YOU SAN!!
billy gates why do you make this possible ? Stop making money and fix
your software!!

Security experts have been predicting the arrival of the worm, or something like it, for some weeks.

TruSecure, which has been prominent in these warnings, has published an informative advisory on the worm, which gives some indication of its likely spread.

The alert states: "TruSecure does not expect LANs to suffer from denial of service conditions due to this infection, even if it becomes infected. This is because internal infections will only propagate if outbound TFTP requests are allowed. If a source is found it can be blocked at either the firewall or router."

For these reasons, TruSecure "does not expect this to be as bad as Code Red, Nimda or SQL Slammer".

However, the company notes that there has been "numerous problems with Windows Update and St. Bernard`s Update Expert - both of which showed that MS patch was installed when it wasn`t". It is expecting more trouble ahead.

The SANS institute has issued to following advice on guarding against the spread of the worm:

Close port 135/tcp (and if possible 135-139, 445 and 593)
Monitor TCP Port 4444 and UDP Port 69 (tftp) which are also used by the worm
Ensure that all available patches have been applied, especially a fix for the flaw at the centre of the spread of MSBlaster
Pull infected machines from a network pending a complete rebuild of the system

Let`s be careful out there. ®

More info

Free online virus scanner that can detect this virus

This item was edited on Tuesday, 12th August 2003, 11:39

RE: I need to consolidate my debts. Help?

Your first port of call should be the CC Company, advised them of the problems you are having.
Once they know, they will normally come to some arrangement with you of how you are going to repay them as it is in their best intrest to recover what you owe rather than sell the debt on losing some of its value.

This is basicly what a debt consolidation company will do but charge you for it thus making the debt bigger but the repayments smaller over alonger time.

So get on the phone to the CC comps and sort it your self saving a few bob to hat.

Please Help, I dont understand

Why is it we get onto a train, but the driver of the train gets in to his cab and not onto his cab?

RE: Don`t do it

oh by the way DONT TOUCH THE PLATE ITS HOT.!!!!!!!!!


Gald you liked GWB & TB


RE: Don`t do it

"Now you`d think some people would learn the first, second, maybe even third time"

How may times must you be told.

"but now I am INCREDIBLY fed up of rebooting so I am heeding your warning this time round"

Hey, we are making progre.......

"Maybe just one more time then............"

Tut, hangs head in disapointment.

H o w m a n y t i m e s d o I h a v e t e l l y a
Don`t do it.
No please don`t.
No realy, don`t

RE: Don`t do it

I AM AN IDIOT......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I told you so, its not my fault.

You can`t say I didn`t warn you.

No sir, not my fault at all.

You just should not have done that.

I will sleep soundly knowing that I did my best to try and stop you,
but YOU did not take heed of my warnings.

There is just no telling some people.

This item was edited on Friday, 4th July 2003, 21:53

Don`t do it

Keep off the mouse button..... no don`t click on it.
Look if I told you not to put your hand in the fire, would you do it?
= NO

So just dont click on that link.

OK? we understand.

This item was edited on Friday, 4th July 2003, 05:43

It`s just wrong

1,111,111 * 1,111,111 =

Go on work it out, ok then you can use a calculator.

One of those things that are just wrong

Even more wrong is the fact that some one found it out.


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