Info and forum posts by 'theslayer'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 11th November 2002, 02:24, Last used: Monday, 11th November 2002, 02:24

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 20 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: 14" TV/DVD Combi Only £59.99

Sweet Zombie Jesus, plus £20 postage and packaging? :o

if it`d have been £59.99 all inclusive, yes it would be a good deal and i would have got it, but £20 postage is very steep.

RE: mico home theatre system only £29.99 at sainsburys

Cheers for the explanations guys, will look into getting a 5.1 :)

RE: mico home theatre system only £29.99 at sainsburys

stupid question but...Whats a Subwoofer?

I`ve always heard people sepeak about them, but i`ve always just smiled and nodded as if i knew what they were on about :/

Would getting a theatre system change my viewing drastically? Whats the advantages and disadvantages of getting one?

Cheers guys

RE: RELISYS DVD Recorder for £89 @ STAPLES

Just been looking through the manual, and at the back, where it says the "terminolgys" it says that this player will work for "ALL" regions.

So far i`ve tried a region 1 and it doesnt work, i`ll give the company a ring tommorow to see what the situation is, unless anyone else already knows? lol

RE: RELISYS DVD Recorder for £89 @ STAPLES

Just bought one myself, from the staples in manchester/salford.

Apparently it was the last one in the store.

Anyway, now i have it, was wondering myself is their a dvd hacak for

RE: ventura portable dvd player from £199 down to £89 - woolies

does anyone know the actual screen size for this at all?


RE: Aldi bargains from 1st July - DVD+/- writer £60, 160GB hard drive £70, digicam £90...

Does anyone know anything about the camera? like is it the same as another model already out their etc? i`m very interested in getting one of those, and can anyone tell me if it`s any good etc?


Big W DVD player

Hey their, recently got a dvd player from big w, it`s priced at 49.99. It says "welkin t333" on the box, does anyone know if their is any multi region hacks or macro hacks??? or if this is based o another model


Welkin T333 Hack needed???

Hi their, I just bought a DVD player from Big W in Manchester £`s Very slim (but wide), it`s silver and looks good, plays dvd, mp3 dvdr, vcd.

Has anyone got a region hack for it and if possible a macro hack, or does anyone know if it it based on any other model???

Many thanks in advance

RE: 2 computers connected to broadband at same time??

Yeah i want to try and keep costs down to a minimun, but am prepared to pay for the better option. i looked into the bt broadband package, it`s a bit out of my price league at the moment :(

Anyway thanks for the advice and reply :D

RE: 2 computers connected to broadband at same time??

Cheers, i`ll defo make sure to pick up a copy of the magazine

RE: 2 computers connected to broadband at same time??

Cheers for the reply.. The guy i spoke to at AOL, told me that i`d definitly be able to have 2 computers on line at the same time with our seperate screen names (we both do share the same master account but have individual screen names) if we had a home network setup. He said we have 2 weeks free trial and if he dont like it we can said it back with no charges at all. I hope this is the the only reason i am opting for aol bb, is the fact we are on it now and we get the free upgrade.

If it does nock us off, can you recommened any good services? we cant get NTL as we dont have cable or access to cable at the present time.


2 computers connected to broadband at same time??

Hi everyone
I recently ordered broadband from AOL, it still hasnt arrived yet but theirs a few questions i hope people can help me with

firstly, We have 2 computers in our house, 1 in my room 1 downstairs, and i was wondering does anyone now if it will be possible for us both to be connected to broadband and be online at the same time??

I have heard someone talk about setting up a network, but i`ve very basic computer knowledge and was hoping someone could help?

Does anyone already have 2 computers connected to broadband? if so how does it work and how much did it cost to set everything up?

Cheers, hope this post made sense to a few of

RE: Question about Macrovision?

Yeah, a couple of my mates at work have told me about that machine, they all recommend it highly. I just bought the one from Superdrug, and finally got the hack for it, now plays VCD`s, DVDR and MP3`s. It also has the option to turn off macro, tried taping a couple of dvd onto vhs for my sister worked great.

I suppose when I really know what i`m talking about and know exacly whats what, thats when i`ll look for a main dvd player..

Anyway cheers for the help

SuperDrug player problems...Anyone help?

Hi i just bought the DVD player from superdrug, they have about 7 left in Old Trafford as of 10:00am this morning.

However i cant play VCD on it, i`ve read the post`s before, and from what i gather people are saying it does play, VCD...Their is the VCD logo on the screen itself...

I`ve put the Acoustic Solutions 421 Multi region hack on, and that works fine. Is their a particular region i set it to so i play VCD? I`ve tried setting it to all of the individual regions, but still no look...

Is their another hack that i am missing? Or do i have a faulty DVD player?

Thanks in advance

RE: Question about Macrovision?

Thanks for taking the time to answer, I`m really greatful that you cleared that up for me..

Can you recomend a good DVD player with Macro turned off, that also plays VCD and DVDR?

Again thanks for replying

Question about Macrovision?

Hi everyone

Could someone please tell me exacly what macrovision is? I am very confused. I was lead to believe that if Macrovision can be disabled, you can tape the dvd to a vhs. Could some please confirm this for me please or tell exacly what macrovision is?

Thanks in advance

Can anyone help me? (which DVD to buy ?)

Hi everyone.

I`m relativley new to buying dvd`s and have had a pacfic 1002 (I think that`s the model, half silver half black from Asda originally £85) for around 6 months.

I now want to purchase a better dvd player, for a Christmas and I was wondering does anyone know what the cheapest and best dvd is and where to get it?

Ideally, i`d want a dvd player that can play multi region, vcd and have macro turned off, and I`m looking to spend around £100 at the most.

Thanks in advance, and i hope this is the right forum for this post, if not apologises...

***Title edited and thread moved by Moderator***

This item was edited on Monday, 11th November 2002, 10:28