Info and forum posts by 'Fuel Crusher'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 26th October 2002, 20:16, Last used: Saturday, 26th October 2002, 20:16

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 11 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Macrovision removal leads

To repeat, this box does remove the protection when playing in my Proline to the E30 but doesn`t seem to work when playing in the RA82 so there is something different going on with the players.

RE: Macrovision removal leads

I`ve used a macro buster box from lektropacks to great affect with my Proline 1000 going to my Panny E30. However it doesn`t work when playing from my Panny RA82 to the E30, so the player you use is partly responsible whether the lead/box will work. Don`t know why this is. Anybody?


RE: TIVO Manual Recording

Good stuff!
My thoughts exactly, it`s just a shame Tivo doesn`t mach the quality of the panny.

RE: TIVO Manual Recording

I think your best bet will be to subscribe for a month then cancel so it`s only a tenner. Your Tivo will download the latest software within the first couple of days or you could force some calls until it gets it. When I got my Tivo I had to force about six calls before it started downloading new software. You`ll know you have it because you`ll get a message saying `pending re-start` or similar. After a re-boot you should be sorted. Make sure you pull the telephone before your months subscription runs out.
Hope this helps.

RE: TIVO Manual Recording

"Like you, I disconnected the phone line after the initial grace period call."

OK, so when exactly did you disconnect the phone line. After the first call? If this is the case your TiVo may still be running the old 1.5 version software which didn`t allow manual unsubbed recordings. Check which software your unit is running it wants to be version 2.5.
Let me know.


Yes the E30 is a digital device but it takes an analogue signal. Any digital protection (CSS, CGMS/D) only works if you send the signal digitaly ie, firewire or a direct copy in a PC. For analogue there is macrovision and CGMS/A (Copy Generation Management System) which controls the amount of copies allowed (may allow a copy but not a copy of a copy), and I`m not sure if this is present in NTSC signals only.


The Gaffer, "leads don`t work" is quite a sweeping statement and also untrue, plenty of people use the macro free scart leads and I personaly use the above stabiliser with absolutely NO problems.

RE: TIVO Manual Recording

On an un-subbed unit pressing record will only record half hour as you said. If you need to record more than half hour you need to set up a manual recording:
Pick Programmes to record,
Record by Time or Channel
Manualy record time/channel
Enter the date, channel & time.

I use my unit un-subbed and I think it`s great, you can still set up manual recordings to record stuff on a regular basis you just need to know when its on and which channel, the only drawback is the now playing menu just shows the channel and time recorded and theres no way to name the program.
By the way I never let my TiVo connect after my grace period expired so my account status is `not set up` I don`t know if the functions change if you allow TiVo to connect and `find out` that you don`t subscribe.

Hope this helps


To copy you need another player and something like a video stabiliser from here
On the region 1 issue I don`t know yet.

RE: Panasonic DMR E30 copying?

I use the CP2S Video Stabiliser from here
Up to now it has never let me down with my proline 1000 to my panny E30.

RE: Macrovision Decoders and the Panasonic DMR-E30

I use a video stabiliser, the cp2s from here
It works great with my E-30 for making DVD backups, although it`s the scart model I use, I convert to composite to go into the back of my E-30 (AV4). Again I have NEVER had a problem with regards the CGMS system.