Info and forum posts by 'inpresence1'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 23rd October 2002, 01:47, Last used: Tuesday, 18th September 2007, 23:51

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 21 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Which Budget DVD Player?

I am looking to buy a dvd recorder but dont really want to spend more than £70. The best one I have probably seen so far is the philips dvdr3380 as this also supports divx but have seen in reviews that philips hardware can be fairly unreliable.

Please help me come to a decision on which one to buy



The Theatre

I went the other day for my first ever trip to the theatre to watch a production called the ghost train which is part of the thriller season. I quite enjoyed it but the ending was a bit s***e as it got a bit stupid and had no real twist as i was expecting. I`d like to go again as there must be some great productions out there, but im unsure of what to see next. Musicals and operas aren`t up my street though. Any ideas?

RE: Smirnoff Vodka

If you don`t know already head towards a revolution bar they have tons of different vodka shots. Also i know it`s not smirnoff but try absolut vodka available in a few variaties and it`s damn nice
see yall

RE: Xylophone Man, Nottingham (RIP) and other town centre

Hey at least us Notts people still have the blues singing man with the guitar and the very bad sounding amplifier. Oh and that annoying git if you have bumped into him that wants to sing you a song for money he is actually quite good though .........

cruise ships

Hi all, i am at the moment considering working on a cruise ship thinking that it would be a good chance to travel whilst earning some money. Im looking to be doing bar work as im in the industry at the moment, and really just wondering if any of you guys have done anything like this before? If so let me know your good and bad stories and whether you think it be worth or not, also any recommended companies to go with. Cheers guys

RE: Foreign Films

Sorry it`s taken me a while to get back, theres plenty here to keep me going cheers guys.

Foreign Films

Having just recently watched and enjoyed (im not scared) at the cinema, and (city of god) which has to be a true classic, there surely must be loads of must see foreign films out there. Anyone got any titles for me ............... much appreciated.

RE: Smoking in Pubs

Ive been an assistant manager in a 1000 capacity bar for a couple of years now and managed to give up 30 cigs a day habit over a year ago but can`t seem to decide whether it would be a good idea to ban it or not in bars. Even though i wake up every morning coughing my guts up feeling like i have smoked 30 i reckon it would definatly affect sales as i would say around half of the drinkers are smokers. Would be nice to have a trial run hey to see how it goes............. oh! and feel remotley healthy

RE: What DVDs do you want that still has not been released !

How about the film Very Bad Things im sure that hasn`t been released it has some classic scenes in it.

Where to Go Uk

Me and 5 of the lads plan to go away the weekend after next for a mini break as an excuse to get drunk somewhere else and a different scenery if you know what i mean. Any suggestions would be great ......... Somewhere with nice bars, nightclubs and the usual stuff. cheers

24 or Alias

Having been bought 24 series 1 for xmas watching it and thinking it was amazing and then buying season 2 a few days later also thinking it was great, i now feel at a loss with nothing to watch. Someone has reccomended Alias to me and infact saying that it is better, is this true and is it worth the price cheers guys and why did they have to go and kill off Janet in series 1 phwoooaaaar (could of picked a better name though) (sorry to all the Janets out there)

RE: computer hackers

Cheers for the advice guys........

computer hackers

Hi all, any ideas on how i can get rid of the messages on my computer saying (your computer is at risk from hackers) i have some port open bla bla and pay some rip off co. like byebye ads. Surely there must be something i can do to the computer because i never used to get msg`s like this. Any help much appreciated cheers.....


Any chance you might be blonde Leanne :) :) :) ha ha .......sorry

where to get schindlers list anyone?

Does anyone have any idea if i can get a copy of schindlers list anywhere. Any region will do i can`t seem to find it on any of the sites. Or maybe even a region2 release date? ................ cheers guys.

RE: <<Who is the crappest actor/actress in Eastenders??!!>>

Its so got to be laura, don`t you reckon she has watched the film misery to many times and trying more each day to be kathy bates. well to be honest she is ugly enough.

RE: For Sale: For sale (possibly trade) - LOADS of DVDs!

Wouldn`t mind buying The Gift off you, if your still interested, please e-mail me at ecneserpni[at]moc.liamtoh .............. thanks very much

BandOf Brothers Cheapest Price I`ve Seen Yet

For all of you wanting to buy the box set of Band Of Brothers you can buy it at for $89.95 Australian Dollars, which works out around £33.40. It delivers a little later than the U.K realease but if you are really skint, maybe saving the extra £10 or so off most sites might help, oh! im not sure if it comes in the tin thing though .............. cheers

Schindlers List, Any Ideas When?

Has anyone have any idea if the great film Schindlers List is to be realeased on DVD on any format at any time. And surely if there hasn`t been a date set yet i think one should..............anyway thanks guys