inpresence1(Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 17th August 2004, 12:32
I went the other day for my first ever trip to the theatre to watch a production called the ghost train which is part of the thriller season. I quite enjoyed it but the ending was a bit s***e as it got a bit stupid and had no real twist as i was expecting. I`d like to go again as there must be some great productions out there, but im unsure of what to see next. Musicals and operas aren`t up my street though. Any ideas?
RE: The Theatre
Andy Larkin(Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 17th August 2004, 13:21
Is this the "Ghost Train" that was written by Arnold Ridley (Godfrey in Dad`s Army) if so it`s a bit of a dated Britsh classic. Arthur Askey was in the film version.