Info and forum posts by 'CW1'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 3rd September 2002, 20:08, Last used: Tuesday, 3rd September 2002, 20:08

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 8 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Buffy Season 5 £32.99??????!!!!!!

Gaz, It`s not a law. It`s syndication.

BTW: Buffy Season 5 has gone back to normal price at Splash (£58.99). Order history still shows the lower £32.99 price, so lets hope they honour it

RE: Buffy Season 5 £32.99??????!!!!!!

Looks like they have only just started doing boxsets as they never used to do titles over £18.

Shipping is free (UK and Europe). They are based in Jersey (like Play), they can be a little bit slow if a title is popular but I have always received all dvds that I have ordered from them.

(they regulary have price wars with Play)

RE: Near Dark/Warner releases bilingual?

Check the titles at, at the bottom of the discs specs list they say if it`s a Bilingual Package or not

RE: due south

Due South Season 1 DVDs are being released in Canada on the 29th October this year.

RE: Blue Ray coming sooner than expected, Collectors beware.!!!!

Blu-Ray (uses a blue-violet laser) is currently only a recordable/rewrittable format (thats why it`s in a caddy)and is not intended as a replacement for pressed discs. This format was designed to get past the problem of multiple DVD rewritable formats. (problem is Toshiba messed this up by announcing a competitor for Blu-Ray, Toshibas is based on blue laser though and so will take longer to become available)

Blu-Ray players could easily be made backwards compatible with current dvds by adding an addition laser pickup. (in the same way that some current dvd players have 2 laser pickups, one for dvd, the other for cd)

This item was edited on Monday, 9th September 2002, 23:30

RE: Damn those pop ups!

you might have some spyware installed on your computer that is showing the popups.

Try running adaware to get rid of it.

RE: Scream Trilogy

R2 Scream 1 and 2 are non-anamorphic

R4 Scream 1 is 4:3 Pan&Scan

R1 Scream 1 is non-anamorphic, also has a bonus 4th disc of extras.

See for full comparison.