Info and forum posts by 'Toby'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 7th August 2002, 00:39, Last used: Wednesday, 7th August 2002, 00:39

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 12 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: CD-WOW: Customs charge loophole found?

But the terms and conditions still mentions that customs charges may apply. So, if you do get stiffed, they can`t be blamed for it.

RE: No customs charge...?

No, it`s still there in the T&C (Terms and Conditions), so I assume they only had to display it prominantly for a certain length of time. Now, it`s on the onus of the customer to fully aquaint themselves with the rules, like most things in life.


RE: Back To The Future - Triology - Region 2 only £17.99 at cdwow

It`s now £18.99 (or £18.74 with the 192) and says Region 2. Doesn`t mention 4 at all anymore.

DVDSoon - Postage change


Just to let everyone know that DVDSoon have changed the free international postage charge from C$150.00 to C$165.00

And the free international courier charge from C$200.00 to C$225.00

Still not a bad deal though.

RE: Welsh Subtitles

Well Anil, how about we don`t have the Hindi or Arabic subtitles either? Anyone living in Britain and buying a British R2 DVD should have to learn English only.

For someone who must have dealt with racial issues in the past, you don`t have a very enlightened view of tolerating a minority in Britain.

And no, there are quite a few Welsh people out there for whom English is totally foreign to them.


I ordered 4 discs from them coming to about £65.00 and customs didn`t have a look. The order came sooner than I expected. They shipped on a Wednesday and I got them on the Monday, faster than they advertise.

In this age of internet shopping, I`m sure that customs just don`t have the time or the resources to be as thorough as they once were. And hooray for that.

I`m now selling 3 of the discs on ebay and I should make enough profit to pay for the 1 disc that I`m keeping. Hooray for silly ebay buyers.

Welsh Subtitles

Has anyone ever seen any Welsh subtitles on UK R2 releases?

I`ve checked all mine and none have them.

Are there any Welsh speakers out there who would like to see Welsh subtitles put onto UK R2 releases?

Should we start a petition.

I`m not Welsh BTW, just fighting injustice.


Canada is a dual language country, not an English speaking one that has a few shouty French people in it. There are Canadians out there who do not speak any English at all. In Quebec City you will not see any English signs. Canada is a R1 country, but they have to take into consideration the needs of that country. Legally all packaging in Canada has to be in both French & English.

Try asking a Welsh person who speaks no English, how fair it is that everything on British R2 packaging is written in English and that generally there are no Welsh subtitles. In fact I just checked all my R2 British DVDs and there are no Welsh subtitles on any of them.

NB. I am neither Welsh, French or Canadian.

RE: and new region 1 customs clause

They are just covering their backs. They must have had a big fight with a customer who got charged and is trying to get recompense from Play for the customs charges.

It`s the usual corporate lawyer stuff, like having to write CAUTION: CONTENTS MAY BE HOT on the side of a hot cup of coffee from McDonalds.

But I`ve never had any problems with Play. They are one of the best.

This item was edited on Friday, 16th August 2002, 02:05

RE: dvdsoon

Yes, but you would also lose the free postage if you partially ship.

I really like DVDSoon. I ordered a couple of things and they came in a few days.

RE: K-PAX region 2?

I got an ex-rental copy from Blockbuster in Canada (and they were doing Buy 2 Get 1 Free on Pre-veiwed DVDs) for $9.99CAN, which was just about £5.00

RE: Wanted Budget: Multiregion DVD player that plays VCDs and MP3s too.

Have you tried cleaning you DVD lens?

My Eclipse started acting like that with certain discs and after I cleaned it, it was fine again.

Might be a bit of a cheaper option for you if you haven`t already tried it?