Info and forum posts by 'davelympany'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 27th May 2002, 20:23, Last used: Monday, 27th May 2002, 20:23

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 15 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Daewoo 6000

I bought one from safeways, 89.99 brilliant! Plays everything!!

RE: Safeways Daewoo DVG6000d plays everything! for 89.99!!

Thanks Marty, but aint it such a good buy!

Safeways Daewoo DVG6000d plays everything! for 89.99!!

I have just purchased the above and it plays VCD SVCD its also CD-R CD-RW, MP3.......IMO its a bloody good buy, I had all kindsa hassle with Pacific, Dansai and such alike, this is good value. And it DOES play advice to Pacific, Schneider, Dansai owners who are having the DAEWOO!
Other manufacturers have done themselves a big injustice,by disabling the VCD mode, I know 3 people who have got refunds on their models.

RE: Notice Dansai, 1010, 956, NO VCD or SVCD function anymore

I`ll tell you exatly what to do, take it back,get a refund and go to safeway I have just boght a Daewoo dvg 6000g for 89 quid, plays vcd, svcd, it cd-r its cd-rw, mp3 compat, bloody brilliant! And they havnt been disabled by the manufacture like dozy pacific and schneider, who in my opinion have sold themselves very short.

Notice Dansai, 1010, 956, NO VCD or SVCD function anymore

Why have Dansai, and I suspect other manufacturers like Pacific, withdrawn the VCD and SVCD functions on all their dvd machines, have they been forced to do so??

This is VERY odd....!!

RE: Pacific DVD 750 Macrovision hack

Sorry mate you will never be able to get vcd to work. I bought a 750, and in the end I took it back to asda and got my cash back, I suggest you buy a Dansai 1010 0r the schnieder 856 I think its called I have the Dansai and it plays everything.

RE: Pacific DVD 750 Macrovision hack

Sorry mate you will never be able to get vcd to work. I bought a 750, and in the end I took it back to asda and got my cash back, I suggest you buy a Dansai 1010 0r the schnieder 856 I think its called I have the Dansai and it plays everything.

where can I buy Dansai 1010 besides tesco

anyone got any links or info, on where I can buy this machine? Apart from Tesco, Thanks

RE: pacific 750, vcd hack

Hiya, when did you buy your model mark??? was it recentley, or a while ago, I heard that pacific are disabling all their dvd players?

Please reply :-)

RE: pacific 750, vcd hack

isnt the 856 a shade more expensive and has that silly karioke thingy on it? i did see the 856 while i was there, i would imagine that it to will be the same as the 750....?? Why do the manufactures do this?

I might try tesco for the dansai 1010 that plays everything to for £85.00

RE: pacific 750, vcd hack

nope doesnt work...thanx for reply though. I was hoping there maybe a code.

pacific 750, vcd hack

can I turn on vcd function for this model, as it was disabled by the manufacturer, any help appreciated.

RE: Dansai 852- Tesco’s replace it with another model

If you want a good machine for playing any format go for the dansai 1010, it plays svcd, vcd, m peg, cd-r !! It brlliant, not the best looking machine around but only £85, i got this one a month ago, not sure if tesco still do it?
Are they cottoning on to people using them to play vcd etc, as a lot of the replacements seem to be disabling the function, I bought the pacific from asda and on the booklet they have disabled the vcd function :-( how pathetic.

Hitachi dvp-305

Hi does anyone know if there is a vcd hack for this machine?



Did you get the problem sorted to play svcd`s? Would you mind telling me if you did as I have the same problem, I bought the machine to play vcd!!

Many Thanx, Dave