Info and forum posts by 'Craven'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 11th April 2002, 08:07, Last used: Thursday, 4th August 2005, 21:09

Access Level: Competent

About this user: I love DVDs need I say more?

This user has posted a total of 52 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: 20% off eBay

You sign up to Paypal and accept their terms of service which state that you will be charged fees, the buyer signed up to Paypal accepting no such terms and so it is your responsibilty to pay them.
Why is it so hard to just add a little more to your auction price and not mention extra charges... Surely you can see that it will put people off? It`s certainly not a selling point... and if you don`t mention them there`s no risk at all of the auction being closed down for breaching the surcharges terms.
As for reporting these listings, it`s not pathetic. I have never done it but anyone who has their auctions cancelled because of it, deserves it.
Because they broke the EBay terms of service, if you can`t stick to them then don`t use the service.
Just one question, using an `Average Joe` style theoretical situation.
Would you fancy going to a car boot sale to find a notice at each car boot stall stating the following?
"because we had to pay for the pleasure of being here to accept your money, in payment for our junk, you will pay an extra £[Insert your own value here] per item ontop of the asking price. However if you buy it from us next week at our garage there`s no extra charge"

RE: For Sale: dvds for sale any 2 for £5.

Received the DVDs this morning.
Thanks :)

RE: For Sale: dvds for sale any 2 for £5.

Ok, you got yourself a deal,
£6 for Road Trip Unseen, Region 2 & Three To Tango, Region 1 Delivered
PM me to let me know if you want a cheque or paypal.


RE: For Sale: Disney DVDs - Toy Story and Monsters Inc + others for sale NEW!

Would you take £4.50 for Toy Story including postage?

RE: For Sale: dvds for sale any 2 for £5.

I`ll take the following for £5 if it includes postage?

Road Trip Unseen, Region 2
Three To Tango, Region 1

RE: Can I take this back to game.

Firstly: Many games have the CD-Keys printed on the manual which is kept behind the counter with the game itself. Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth, Command and Conquer Generals and Zero Hour, Half-Life Generations, Empire Earth and the Art of Conquest Expansion are just a few of which I have recently purchased where this is the case.
Seondly: The disks are kept behind the counter so people can`t slip them out of the cases...
Thirdly: Just because it comes in cellophane wrapping does not mean it is new many places have their own device for doing this. And even so I somewhat doubt that used goods go back onto the shelf as un-used. Can you imagine the number of people who would be complaining if the item they just bought had been `Joe Bloggsed`? It would be more trouble for the retailer than it would be worth.

RE: For Sale: Nintendo Gamecube Games for sale/trade!

Sorry you must have a cool Game store because I was in my local yesterday checking prices and theyre £24.99 in mine. Where are you from so I can come get me some new games.

RE: For Sale: Nintendo Gamecube Games for sale/trade!

Are you taking the mick and saying £20 for them both or are you offering £20 each?

For Sale: Nintendo Gamecube Games for sale/trade!

As it says these games are for sale or trade.
Only sensible offers please to 2891sserts[at]moc.liamtoh with subject line of "DVD RevGC." I will attempt to reply within 10 hours max if you insist on only posting offers here then please don`t forget to leave contact details..

Timesplitters 2
Mario Party 4
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Super Monkey Ball 1

P&P will be £1.50 per game unless its a trade in which case we each pay our own packaging.

RE: sonic collection on gamecube

From what I`ve heard it`s going to be 28.02.2003

RE: When does Season 4 of Angel start in the US?

At the earliest id say September 24th. Not sure though.


RE: For Sale: FT:Various DVDs

How much for resident evil?


RE: Who is your ideal celeb woman?

Neve Campbell
Winnona Ryder
Milla Jovovich

RE: What is it with Summer titles.

During the summer period people tend to go out alot more, spend more time away from home out in the sunshine on holiday and other non-games related activities. There`s no special `present giving` days during this period and so there is no way the games producers can force a good sales turnover.
During the run up to Christmas eg November 1st - Decmeber 24th Whinning kids the world over are pestering their parents for the latest in Gaming pleasure. What better time to release a barrage of top notch games. Yes an annoyance to the gamers who want good releases throughout the year but probably the best way for companies to rake in GIANT BAGS OF COLD HARD CASH!
So the horrible truth of the matter is, we don`t get many good games released during the summer period because they`ll sell more near Christmas.
Hope that was helpful.


RE: Conspiracy Theory # 1063

New solution.
Dump the missus...
Alternatively slip some sleeping stuff in the missus` drink set the tape up and voila you have decent tv to watch. It`s not selfish you`re doing it for her own good. She probably needs the sleep after all the crap shes been watching.
Yet Another alternative is to set the video to tape the late night decent movies or something and ask the missus to be as considerate as yourself and leave the cable on the desired channel.


RE: Sony Notebook Laptop for £76 Quid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just ordered one, I hope this doesn`t turn out to be a big con.

RE: Conspiracy Theory # 1063

Just a quick note:

Buy yourself a VCR and tape the stuff that sounds good from the night before!?!?! in the long run isn`t it worth £50 to keep your sanity?

Just a thought...


RE: Conspiracy Theory # 1063

Bargain Hunt. The glasses that guy wears are worth as much as any corny comedy crap they show during the day. the contestants never make more than £30 profit if any and it has its own cult following of University Students.
What more could a guy want.....
Porn perhaps?


RE: Mario Kart on the GameCube?

Nintendo have released a version of Mario Kart on each console ever since the SNES. The game is great. Nintendo aren`t dumb, there is no question about it, they are going to release a version of this game on the Gamecube. Like Wad said Rare are producing Donkey Kong Racing which lets you ride animals, sounds set to be oe of THE great racing games.
With rumour that Nintendo won`t be developing any further consoles surely the only reasonable assumption is that they will prioduce Mario Kart for Gamecube. Why hand over one of their plentiful bounty to the "competition" (if thats what you call it.) When you can keep your current supporters happy. It`ll sell tonnes, if they dont release it theyre fools.


Casio CPS-7 Electronic Piano Help!!

My girlfriend just got herself one of these things and she wants to use the midi feature. I have no Idea how to link it to the PC and it doesnt come with the wires. Any ideas?

RE: Your Worst 5 Films

It was so hard to decide which films I hated the most...

1. Cube (I don`t care how nice the traps are, awful movie)
2. Unbreakable (I`m sure you may love it but it was boring and predictible for me)
3. Blair Witch Project (Arggghhhh run! The sticks and stones are chasing us!)
4. Star Trek Insurrection (I love trek but why did they even bother with this??? oh!)
5. Transformers the Movie (WHYYYYYYY!?!?!?!?)

I have but one simple wish, to see these films burn in the flaming pit from whence they camest!

RE: Date movie

I`ve been going out with my Girlfriend for over two and a half years now, we had our first date ever at the cinema. There wasn`t much on at the time so I thought "what the hell, i`ll take her to see a movie I really want to watch."
I`d seen the trailers for Deep Blue Sea and thats what we went to watch. Man I love that movie. I`m so glad that she did too because it really coulda been a very bad night.


RE: Which animal are you ?

You are either a Bat or a Snake personality.
But you may also be a Sheep personality.

OMG i read the Bat its got me spot on, I hate these things lol


RE: Off Topic: PICO Consul 98 Laptop

Ok thanks for the advice. I tried looking for the file but could find no mention of it on the Microsoft site.
You are right about the chip It`s AMD K6-2 333Mhz 64MbRAM. I tried installing Win98 and Win2k and each produces the errors. If anyone can help I willl be so greatful.

RE: Is anyone here into MUDs?

Hi if you are still looking I`d be interested.
I was the Head area developer on another MUD which unfortunately at the moment isnt running. I have plenty of time on my hands and plenty of ideas.
Contact me on 2891sserts[at].moc.liamtoh

Off Topic: PICO Consul 98 Laptop

Im having a real problem with mine. I attempted to install another feature from my Microsoft office and it crashed mid-install. Whenever i restarted windows wouldnt load up at all. I formatted and tried to reinstall windows but everytime that I do it just crashes.I have no operating system and its driving me mad my laptop has thus become a very expensive paperweight. Any help would be much appreciated.

RE: For Sale: Laptop 4 sale, 4 months old *MINT*

If I hadn`t already just bought a laptop I wouldve had that off ya quicker than you coulda said £500. If I were you I`d sell it on E-bay youd easy get £500 if not more. Set the minumum bid at £450 Ive seen so many going for more for a similar if not worse spec than yours.

Wanted: SEGA megadrive and SNES Pal Games.

I want to build on my already extensive collection of megadrive and snes titles. Theyre great consoles from the original console war. If you can help me e-mail me at 1llednar.samoht[at]moc.dlrowltn with a list of your games also please put a price to the titles and I`ll see what i can do :)


RE: Linking my PC to my TV.

Thanks for that, my dad is pretty mad now lol. I figured most of the stuff out but he doesn`t always believe me unless someone else says it`s true. lol I have a DVD player and i`ve told him many times to get one himself guess he`ll have to free the moths from his wallet now lol. Anyone got any recoomendations for a player that can handle vcds written on cdrs and is easy to make region free.
Thanks Again