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For Sale: Nintendo Gamecube Games for sale/trade!

Craven (Competent) posted this on Monday, 31st March 2003, 09:44

As it says these games are for sale or trade.
Only sensible offers please to 2891sserts[at]moc.liamtoh with subject line of "DVD RevGC." I will attempt to reply within 10 hours max if you insist on only posting offers here then please don`t forget to leave contact details..

Timesplitters 2
Mario Party 4
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Super Monkey Ball 1

P&P will be £1.50 per game unless its a trade in which case we each pay our own packaging.

RE: For Sale: Nintendo Gamecube Games for sale/trade!

Flyer (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 1st April 2003, 16:00

MP 4 & TS2 for £20.00?

RE: For Sale: Nintendo Gamecube Games for sale/trade!

Craven (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 1st April 2003, 21:14

Are you taking the mick and saying £20 for them both or are you offering £20 each?

RE: For Sale: Nintendo Gamecube Games for sale/trade!

Flyer (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 3rd April 2003, 06:46

Can get both used with a 90 day warranty from GAME / local shop for £15.00 each so just looking for a bargain, if thats not the case, no no, didn`t want to take the mick and apologies if any was inadvertantly taken.

RE: For Sale: Nintendo Gamecube Games for sale/trade!

Craven (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 3rd April 2003, 07:46

Sorry you must have a cool Game store because I was in my local yesterday checking prices and theyre £24.99 in mine. Where are you from so I can come get me some new games.

RE: For Sale: Nintendo Gamecube Games for sale/trade!

chewie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 3rd April 2003, 15:58

In my local GAME (Edinburgh) Timesplitters 2 is £9.99 pre-owned. So I guess it varies store to store.

Sorry if this is a pointless post, but it may help Craven if he wants to go to the Edinburgh Store (at least one of them).

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: For Sale: Nintendo Gamecube Games for sale/trade!

Flyer (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 3rd April 2003, 17:04

Hi Craven,
These offers and prices were available at a number of shops in Harrogate this last weekend (GAME included). There is another store called Warp 9 who also sell at "on or very near" the prices I posted earlier. Also the post from Chewie before this one should confirm that I wasn`t (as my son says) "taking your mickey". Another one to help you with cheap games mate is the "used" section at Blockbusters...had a few XBox deals from there in the past.

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