Info and forum posts by 'BigRed'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 4th April 2002, 19:22, Last used: Monday, 4th October 2010, 19:29

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: 41 year old beer guzzling, curry chomping Villa fan from Worcestershire. Into cheap and reliable products. Love sassy ladies and BMW`s.

This user has posted a total of 26 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Proline DVD1100 - Company website - Contacts ???

The hack on this site does not work for the Proline DVD1100.

I will try and email Comet and see if they want to be kind enough to give me a hack if its their own brand.


Hypothetical question, Using HDD to `back-up` bought DVD`s

Just a hypothetical question for you. :B

Lets say I had a HDD DVD recorder (panasonic dmreh50 for instance) and I wanted to do myself a `back-up` copy of my high street DVD`s just incase there was a house fire. The original DVD may well be copywrite protected, Does this mean that it will not transfer to the HDD (hard disk drive), or does it mean it will not transfer back to a blank DVD ??

Is there anyway around this problem ?

RE: DVD Recorders cannot record HDTV ???

The point being that I don`t want HDTV, I was checking that we are not going to be forced to have HDTV in the near future.

DVD Recorders cannot record HDTV ???

Hi, I am looking at getting a DVD Recorder, probably a Panasonic DMREH50 with the hard drive. Whilst researching stuff about DVD recorders I have found a worrying item on Amazon stating that the current batch of DVD recorders cannot record from a HDTV signal ?!?!?

Is this correct, as even though I dont want HDTV as I do not have a television that currently would benefit HDTV, I would like the DVD recorder to last me a decent amount of time before becoming obsolete. I have heard that SKY are planning to start some HDTV broadcasting in the Spring, when are BBC, ITV etc going to follow suit.

I have such a perfect picture through my analogue aerial, and a perfect picture through my freeview box (I wont pay a subscription to SKY as I am too tight) that I am very happy at the moment.

Will HDTV replace the `normal` signals, or will I still be able to view with my current set-up for the foreseeable future. I need to justify the cost of a DVD Recorder (Tightness again), so I need to know that HDTV is not going to take over within the next 5-10 years.

So, to sum up my waffling:
Is it true that current DVD recorders cannot record HDTV ?
Can I choose not to receive HDTV for the next 5-10 years ?

I thank you

RE: Proline DVD1100 - Company website - Contacts ???

Sorry, Amazon do have some Proline products, but no list of hacks like they did for Phillips. :/

RE: Proline DVD1100 - Company website - Contacts ???

Very useful information, I did not realise Amazon listed details like that. Unfortunately I could not get any of the phillips ones to work. And Amazon do not sell Proline ones. So thanks for trying cirdan, but I will have to try the company if anyone can give me contact details for them.

Proline DVD1100 - Company website - Contacts ???

Hi, does anyone know of a website, or have contact details for the company that produces the `Proline DVD1100`, I want to ask them for a region hack as no one seems to be able to make it multi-region.
I know I should check the details that came with the player, but as it was only a cheap player for the bedroom, I did not keep the instruction manual.


RE: What sort of DVD Recorder will I need ?

Thank you Rassilon,

I am a bit suprised and annoyed that you can only record 1 hour of material at the highest quality. Is the `poor` quality as bad as it sounds ?.
My plan to convert VHS into DVD to save space seems to be dead in the water.

Do the `dual layer` DVD offer longer recording times ?, or am I showing my lack of knowledge here.

Can these DVD recorders do what PC`s can do (with correct software) of copying complete DVD`s, by that I mean all the menu`s and extra`s etc, or can they only record what they can see (what I am playing at the time) ?

I think I thought that these recorders were more advanced than they actually seem to be :(


What sort of DVD Recorder will I need ?

Considering purchasing a DVD recorder now that the prices are coming down. But I need some basic advise as to what I should be looking for.

For day to day recording I will stick to my VCR (Boo Hiss), but as I only have freeview and not SKY I am not desperate to record films etc onto DVD (yet).

What I do see me using a DVD recorder for is the following:
Maybe recording DVD`s from a DVD player.
Planning to move old VHS tapes onto DVD to take up less storage space.

I know that the quality of VHS will be poor, but I just want to use up less space to save all my old memories,

Will DVD`s be able to store upto 8 hours of tape (E240 x LP) ?
Can I create `menu`s` on the DVD`s to go directly to sections on the DVD ?
Will all this be easier (or only available) with a DVD recorder with a hard drive ?
Will the DVD copying (back-up) be easy from a Player to a Recorder ?
Will I need special leads to connect my VCR (non-digital) to the recorder to enable the back-up of the VHS`s ?.

Thank you

RE: MICO Clasica 20, is it dying ??

I have one last attempt, I have never cleaned my DVD before, so I am waiting for a DVD lens cleaner to arrive off of eBay. I am hoping ;) that the disc is not spinning as it cannot find the information it requires.

If this fails, I will be on the look out for a new one, I have tried to view the last forum`s purchase but it is not downloading at the moment.

Here`s hoping on the cleaner.

Big Red

MICO Clasica 20, is it dying ??

Hi, I have the above named DVD player, and for the price I paid, it has been an absolutely fantastic player for the last 18 months. :)

Today, A problem has started occuring >:( , After playing some of an mp3 disc (designed for laptop use), then trying 5 different DVD (back-up) copies I may have had delivered ??!!?? (just to see the quality), when I went back to a region 1 DVD of the Simpsons (legitimate) the DVD did not `load`, it does not seem to be spinning the disc fast enough to get the information off it, I tried a picture CD of my holiday and it played that (where I presume the disc speed is not as relevant), but it will not play a DVD ???

I hope and pray that when I try it tomorrow it will have fixed itself (Yea right !!).

Is my player Dying ?
Anyone know of a cure ?
Is it worth paying to get it fixed ?

As a last resort (as it has been a fantastic low cost player), what is the current favourite low-price DVD player in people`s opinions ?

Thanks Anthony

MiCO Clasica 20.......slight niggles, swap mine OR swap manufacturer


I have had a MiCO clasica 20 since the end of April, I have two slight niggles that are bugging me ( and the more I see them the worse I get ).

A) I have a decent tele, but it isnt widescreen ( pauper, I know ), and my MiCO does not seem to `pan and scan` ANY DVD`s when the option is selected.
B) On playback ( usually on dark backgrounds ) I am sure I can see circular lines !!, imagine lines across the screen but these are very faint and seem to be circular, difficult to describe, but because I know its there I seem to focus on them even more.

Are these problems perculiar to mine, and try for an exchange from Sainsbury`s, or am I to expect this from a budget player ?

If I am to expect these problems, what are the current best DVD budget players out there now, in the eyes of you genei ( is that plural of Genius`s ) as I cant stop focusing on the faults.

Thanks a lot
Big Red

RE: MiCo no macrovision disable.... What now ??

If the Macro only kicks in when you hit the record button on your VCR, and the MiCo is now impossible !?! to disable, is there a way to do this in reverse, can you stop your VCR from telling the DVD player that it is recording ?

Sainsbury Savacentre at Oldbury / Warley have had their Tuesday delivery and they still have not got any Mico`s in. It seems the Southern stores had them as early as Saturday, and we are still waiting, next delivery day is Thursday. Good old Yam Yam`s.


RE: MiCo no macrovision disable.... What now ??

I have had a reply from MiCo, as I asked them why this batch was different to the last:

Hi ,

Nice to hear from you again!

Marcovision is a technology that preventing illegal recording of video signals from a commercial DVD disc. There will be no problem to normal playback if you wire the DVD signal through a VDR to the TV. But if you press the RECORD button of the VCR, the DVD signal will be distorted damaging the picture output, so that you cannot successfully duplicate a DVD disc to a tape. That is. For normal playback, as far as you are not recording, the signal won't be troubled.

If some of our models before could be Marcovision disabled, it was not a feature for consumer but for service center for testing purpose. Please accept our apologize if this revision issue really giving you problem. But please understand that we would like to contribute in supporting the protection of copy rights as far as we can, and we thanks in advance for your kind support as we sure you will.

Have a nice day!


So I should be able to play the DVD`s thru my stereo system, as long as I do not press `record`. As if I would do such a thing ?!?.

It would be nice to be able to though wouldn`t it ?, so any ideas to get around the macrovision, keep them coming.


RE: MiCo no macrovision disable.... What now ??

I know deep down it is not sainbury`s fault, I just cant believe my luck, after waiting for this magical MiCo, it will now be obsolete for me, unless someone can tell me that my idea of macrovision is incorrect and I can play the DVD though my stereo video etc..

Or a genius out there finds a way to disable macro
Or another expert tells me where best to go to get a multi-region, macro less, budget, quality picture and sound DVD player. ( Not asking much am I ? )


MiCo no macrovision disable.... What now ??

I cannot believe it, I have been waiting for the new batch of the MiCo Clasica 20 DVD player for over two weeks, ringing my nearest big store everyday, and now it seems this new batch cannot have the macrovision disabled. I really need this option ( I think ) as with the lack of scart `holes` at home I was going to run the DVD through my video ( which is attached to my music system ). With my incredible limited knowledge, I fear this will now not be possible if I cant disable the macro, Is this correct ?

If my fears are correct this means the MiCo will be no good to me, so where do I go from here.

I need a budget player which:
1) Will play everything
2) From everywhere
3) Without macrovision hinderance.

Where do I go from here ?, I am open to all of your constructive suggestions.

B[at]sll to sainsbury as if they had enough of the original stock I would not be having this problem


RE: Help. Supervison 2500 again - on sale tomorrow from LIDL at £79.99

I dont know if this will work,I am gonna `paste` something from an American site concerning the 2500.

= Click on this for a best price retailers comparison list
DVD Player CDR
miniDVD Hack
Link Price
Buy Rating
1-10 Reports &
SM Supervision 2500 CDR
Tracks? XVCD
miniDVD? Link $100
6.6 (2 votes) View 3 reports
Add report
Reports from 3 user reports:
Toypete reported April 10 2002 that:
Tracks? XVCD?
miniDVD? $100 5 of 10

Well a cheap Player, but it don`t work with SVCD, what ist the most important for me.
It only plays SVCD which are made exactly in SVCD 1.0, means no higher Bitrate than 2600.
But when i play this, after half an hour the pictures go very bad and the tone is asynchron.
In some Forums are several problem solves about that. I tried all, but nothing works.
So i will give the Player back.

Help us keep the list correct, report this post if you think it is entirely wrong.

Well, that did not work too well as some of the DVD+R bits were headings and they were not highlighted for this player so I dont think it plays them, you can see the geezer says that the picture is not too hot.

I will try something else


RE: Dansai 1010 £85-00 Tesco Bournemouth

Redditch`s Tesco had them and they all sold out. I am waiting for the MICO, did you not find the fact that the 1010 does not seem to have a display on the player a bit weird ?

Liverpool out of Europe, he he !!

MICO Clasica 20 supply update ? as at 8/4/02

In my search for a Sainsbury store that sell the elusive MICO, today I received the following two replies by email.

The first is from Sainsburys


Thank you for your e-mail. There has been a tremendous demand for
this product (product code 585.700) and we have completely sold
out. We are expecting more in store from early April; please call
our Customer Careline then on 0800 636262; they will be able to
give you more information.

I think one of the problems is that we had no prior warning of the
recommendation in the magazine, and as our supplies were not
limitless we ran out - hardly surprising really!

Kind regards

Rob Marshall
Customer Manager
Sainsbury`s Holborn business centre


This one is from MICO in Hong Kong


Thanks for your kind interesting in the Clasica20 DVD player. New shipment has been arrived London last week and will be in Sainsbury store soon these days. Will let me know when we are sure with the new goods has been in stores.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks again for your kind attention.

Good day


So either its someone having a laugh doing a bad impression of Bruce Lee,OR me may be seeing some more very soon.

If anyone sees any in and around Birmingham, Worcestershire or Warwickshire please let me know via this site.

I thank you.

Big Red

No MICO, so what about a LG DVD4710

I would really like the MICO but have searched the Midlands today from Warley to Leamington and there is nothing doing.

I have just been wandering ( aimlessley like a cloud, no not really ) through Tesco`s and they have a bundle of 20 DVD films and a LG DVD4710 for £200, More than I want to pay but I could always flog the DVD`s on eBay to recoup some money,question still stands is:

Is the LG any good for picture and sound
I have seen in the forum`s that there is a multi-region hack, BUT can the macrovision be disabled on it.

Over to you

Cheers BR.

RE: mico clasica 20

excuse my ignorance but what do you mean by " You will have to reset the maco off everytime you turn it off. "


RE: mico clasica 20

Can you please confirm that the CLASICA 20 is the MICO DVD that everyone is raving about,as everyone just seemed to refer to it as the marvelous MICO.

Can the macro be removed ( or does it not have it to start with ), I would also appreciate a picture of the machine.


This item was edited on Saturday, 6th April 2002, 09:20

RE: Aldi are selling the MEDION MD4310 for £99.99, any good ?

I keep reading about the MICO DVD player, I have been to Sainsbury`s web site but cannot find anything there.I have searched and found a MICO site in Hong Kong, but they have three DVD`s with no prices. Does anyone know the exact model number of the cheap £90 MICO that people seem to rate as a bargain DVD player.

Thank you

RE: Aldi are selling the MEDION MD4310 for £99.99, any good ?

Thanks to Baz,a bit concerned about the remote but answered most of my fears,and at £100 I think it will do me fine.

Paul,I have checked out the `Bargain Buckets` forum thanks to you,and it does seem to play VCD.

The only question I seem to have unanswered is, Can the Macrovision be removed to enable me to record to video ?

If anyone knows the answer to this it would be appreciated, Thank you

Aldi are selling the MEDION MD4310 for £99.99, any good ?

I am interested in the DVD player from Medion, but am not sure on a few points, will it play VCD`s, can it be made region free and can the macro`s be disabled.

If any one has one are the picture and sound quality any good, as at this price ( and it looks quite good ) it seems to be a bit of a bargain.

Thank you