Info and forum posts by 'showdan.'

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Joined on: Tuesday, 5th March 2002, 13:12, Last used: Tuesday, 5th March 2002, 13:12

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 22 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:


And they are a bugger to replace, it took me ages to get a replacement for a damaged one, (a m8 got an AOL disk in one). Amaray cases are far easier to get hold of cheaply and in all sorts of flavours.

RE: Band of Brothers - £39.11 inc P+P @

how do i get one of these Amazon vouchers?

RE: Where can I get an Amray case?

17p each, but p&p is £1.20 so you might want to get a few bits to make it worth while.

RE: Dansai 955-Anything Known?

I`ll give it a bash when I get home from work and report back this evening.

RE: Dansai 955-Anything Known?

I`ve just got one of these to replace my dansai 852, fan bloody tastic, a big improvement! my 852 was very fussy about dvd-r media (never found one that worked properly) not this baby, plays them all!

You also get 3 free DVD`s (friends, perfect storm & space jam). Yes it does play vcd`s (no hack required), the tray is a lot smoother & the splash screen is a lot sharper and no more bloody "ding" when you eject/close.

I`ve only had it a day and haven`t tested that much but so far much better than the 852 (and I loved that machine).

RE: Free DVD

If I remeber correctly, the offer is one per person not per houshold, so I got WLB for me, FM for the wife and DD for the kids.

RE: Backing up a DVD collection?

The reason I backup dvd`s is because my kids (4yrs & 5 yrs) get in a right strop if you don`t let them select and load there own discs. I am one of those people who can`t stand things (especially the dvd collection) being in anything less than mint condition. So I backup the kids films and let them run riot with the backup, you wouldn`t believe some of the places I`ve found these.

Is this breaking the law?

RE: Backing up a DVD collection?

What I tend to do is strip out whatever extras I don`t want, sometimes everything except the movie, if the movie is less than 120 min it will fit on one disc if its longer and/or there`s extras I want to keep I down grade the quality a bit so I still keep film in a DVD format.

RE: Ripping dvd`s

Just started backing up dvd`s myself, and I think (as long as your copying the full content and not stripping out any id`s and stuff) it sounds like the media your using, I have had mixed result with different types of media, some not being recognised at all. It has been recomended to use "Datasafe Media Limited Classic Generation 3 DVD-R" which are recommended as the most compatible cheep discs, not tried them myself yet though. You might also want to check out if your standalone can read dvd-r`s check out it tells you there if your player can read dvd-r`s.


Thanks Mike G, i`ll keep a look out for those, I don`t suppose you know if the problem i`m having does sound like the media quality? and not something with my standalone that`s just decided it doesn`t like these discs anymore.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 25th September 2002, 16:31


Thanks for the reply clayts, but this isn`t the problem. The copies play fine in my pc and I haven`t used any high speed disc yet, but thanks for the post that could well have caught me out.


I`ve recently started backing up some of the kids DVD`s using a pioneer A04/104. The first one was on an unbranded DVD-R (60p ea.) seemed to work fine in my standalone (Dansai 852) but now doesn`t recognise it at all, my second was on a Mirror platinum (95p ea.), this worked perfect to start with but now sometimes locks, my third was on a Datasafe branded (£1.15 ea.) but this was a non starter.

It was only last night that I found the problems with my first and second discs after trying my newly burnt third disc, strange how my first stopped working and my second got worse at the same time?

Anyway, can anyone comfirm my suspicions that its the media at fault (my original work fine) and I have to try different discs, plus recomend a cheap brand of DVD-R`s suitable to play in my Dansai.


Thanks Darrenaw

My wallets just give a big sigh of relief, I`ll get someone out to look at it.


Went to switch my TV (Goodmans 32"widescreen) this morning and nothing! The standby light just flashes fast instead of being on all the time and it just doesn`t respond at all when I try switching it on. I have been switching it off at the TV and not just leaving it on standby, could this have caused the ploblem?

please help, I`m having to watch the kids 14" portable.


RE: Any TV aerial boffins?

Thanks for all your help Chris & Paull, Now where did I put that roof ladder?

Any TV aerial boffins?

I know its not DVD but the wife`s giving me stress and iv`e nowhere else to turn!

My house has TV aerial point`s in practically every room, but the tight gets I bought the house off took the roof aerial with them, so I bought an aerial (about £8.99 from Wilko`s) and put it up in the loft. This can only produce poor quality pictures on the TV down stairs even with a signal booster, but not to bad on the portable upstairs.

So my question is. Will simply moving the aerial on to the roof be good enough or do I get a better aerial (and from where?) and put that on the roof?

This item was edited on Friday, 21st June 2002, 12:58

RE: Looking for a Small DVD

Check out the new Dansai from Tesco, it looks like it does everything the Dansai 852 does, but its a lot smaller and I think its about £90.

RE: Aldi Laptop @ £1199.99

Does anyone know when they are likely to be doing the desktop PC again, my computer packed up a few weeks after there last deal (bugger!).

RE: Asda 3 for £30....

I`ve just bought Me Myself & Irene, Stir of Echoes and Enemy at the Gate. They also had Something about Mary.

RE: My Willy`s Gone Wonka!

I only need the plastic part of the case because I can unclip the cardboard, so any case of this type would do.

My Willy`s Gone Wonka!

The spikey bits that hold the disc in place on my Warner Bros "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" have snapped off, thus the disc rattles around in the case.

Does anyone know where I can get a replacement case, its not an ammary one, its one of those snappy ones with the cardboard cover.

I`ve been in touch with Warners but no joy :(