Info and forum posts by 'dwaine'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 23rd January 2002, 13:13, Last used: Wednesday, 23rd January 2002, 13:13

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 15 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Man United Membership only £18 - what a bargain

I guess this forum also gives Man U supporters summink to read while they`re dusting their empty trophy cabinet.....

RE: £10 off Magazine subscriptions offer

Another great thing about the promotion is that you can use the offer as many times as you like, AND you can also use the offer to renew titles that you`ve just bought.

For example, if you used the offer to subscribe to a magazine for a year, then you can use the offer again to renew the subscription for the 2nd and subsequent years!!!

DVD bargains at CD-WOW!

CD Wow have some bargains in their DVD bargain basement:

Lock Stock £9.99
Notting Hill £5.99
Four Weddings £8.99

to name but three.... all with free postage & packing.

RE: Streets Online - they`re POO!

OK, I accept that perhaps this was just a one off, as it appears as though no-one else has had similar problems!!!

Mind you, I spose that`s the point of forums like these!

Streets Online - they`re POO!

I`ve had about enough of Streets Online - they are just a bunch of gits. (I`ll try to keep to using formal terms instead of what I`d like to say, for the rest of my rant....)

I ordered 3 DVDs a couple of weeks ago, and paid for them using my Solo card - it was advertised as an acceptable means of payment. However, Streets Online kept declining the card, suggesting I refer to my card issuer. I then checked with my bank, and they claimed everything was fine, and so I resubmitted my order. All in all, I guess may card was declined a total of 6 times in addition to my order being cancelled twice by `Streets` as a `security measure`.

Finally, I rocketed off an email to them asking why the card was rejected, and suggested that the problem lied with them and not my card. They said that they no longer accept Solo on their website, and will remove the symbol `shortly` - Errr.. hello..!!?? How long does it take for someone to remove a payment method from a website? Hardly rocket science?

I placed the order again - gawd knows why I bothered - over a week ago, and the order is just sat at `processing`... I`ve again sent them emails to cancel the order now, cos quite frankly I`ve had enough, and they just haven`t had the decency to reply.

I know that some might consider that them declining a card is hardly a hanging offence, but the sheer lack of interest, reluctance to update their website, and un-answered emails makes me, and should make you, think twice about their standards of service!

RE: 10% off @ Streets online this weekend

..I`m just about to have a rant in the `Retailers Review` section about how pants - and yes, I *could`ve* used a much stronger term - the service is from Streets... gits.

I thank you.

RE: spend £15, get £15 off......

It was without deleting the cookie... I didn`t read that post to the forum until after I`d placed the orders.... I`ll try again later..!!

RE: spend £15, get £15 off......

I got this email this morning, after placing two orders... :(

Dear Mr Seddon,
It has not been possible to process your recent order on the Littlewoods
Extra website. Our records show that you have already taken advantage of the first online order promotion code detailed in your mailing pack. As stated in the terms and conditions, the promotion code is strictly limited to one application per customer and cannot be used for multiple orders.

Best Regards,

Littlewoods Extra On-line Customer Care

18 April 2002 07:45:19

Best Regards

Littlewoods Extra Online Customer Care


RE: Rush Hour 2 Only £8.99 at

Thanks for the tip! Just picked up all 3 series of the Royle Family for a stunning £9.99 each! I`m sure you`ll all agree, such a fine TV series is an absolute bargain at this price.

I thank you.

DVD bargains at Amazon

Worthwhile checking out - some excellent DVDs under the banner of `3 Fox DVDs for £30` / `2 Warner DVDs for £20`.

However, they don`t commit you to the multibuy offer - you can just pick up one for a tenner if you prefer!

Titles include X-Men, What Lies Beneath, Titanic, The Gift - and the list goes on.

I know that you have to pay extra for P&P, but at least you know the title is in stock when you buy it, and I`ve never had any problems with the service from Amazon - in fact, I think they`re one of the best online DVD retailers around.



For those, like me, who can`t be arsed to trek down to their local Asda, and let`s face it, after the PC World `Ad match` fiasco, I don`t think I`d want to go to them, the same, or very similar, offer is available on I know that you have to pay extra for postage and packing, but it saves a trip down to Asda, and at least with Amazon, you`ll know if the titles are available there and then, as opposed to a potential wasted journey.


Moulin Rouge Extras DVD won`t play...??

Anyone else having problems getting the 2nd Moulin Rouge DVD to play? I can get the movie to play fine, but the 2nd DVD with all the extras won`t work...!

Can anyone help? I`ve got the Grundig 620-HT player, and have multi-regioned - mind you, the DVD is R2, so should be fine.


Nice one - thanks! Just having a blonde moment then....


Does anyone have a screen shot of the Mummy offer - because it`s not on the PC World website anymore, we can`t get shots to take to Asda?

Will try tonight for Gladiator & American Pie though, and yes, I`ll ring em first!!!

Rock Star DVD £12.75.

Rock Star DVD available from for just £12.75, including FREE postage and packing!